things i want to do when i graduate part i

Sep 04, 2008 04:48

I have my last two finals Friday and Saturday.. and rather than study for them, I'm job hunting, surfing the web, chatting, and procrastinating.. it'll be such a relief not having anything to procrastinate anymore! Anyway, I've been thinking about all the things I want to do with my newfound leisure time aside from the obligations..

1. Work out and exercise. Maybe learn how to swim (I go backwards whenever I kick haha)
2. Watch all my History Channel DVDs especially the John Adams mini series and maybe the Civil War Documentary by Ken Burns that is 11 hours long!!
3. Read books for leisure! I borrowed V for Vendetta (graphic novel) from the library so I guess I can read that.. and I've always wanted to read Freakonomics and the new David Sedaris book.. maybe books on Chinese cultural revolution too
4. Learn how to cook.. there are so many cookbooks that I don't know which to buy! :( Maybe Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals for a whole year but reviews say that with prep, it takes longer than that
5. Adopt a puppy.. I think I want a welsh corgi or beagle or pug.. or some mix of them. Something cute and short-haired but not a chihuahua cause Sean hates them. I need a job first though =(
6. Decorate the condo.. also pending a job.
7. Get better at golf and pick up new hobbies
8. Catch up on all the TV series I've been wanting to watch -- Office, Scrubs, Heroes, The Tudors.. if you have any recommendations for any good TV series, let me know! :)

Obligatory Stuff:
1. Do the impossible.. find a job. Preferably one I enjoy.. something challenging but within my capabilities, fosters personal and professional development, improve analytical skills, lets to research or analyze something, etc..
2. Study for the GREs.. bleh.
3. Take Linear Algebra & Diff Equations.. maybe in Spring.. for grad school
4. Research grad schools
5. Maybe study for CFA and obtain Series 6, 7 and 63 licenses.. but prob not.

My friend says she goes home and stares at the wall for a couple hours after work haha. I wonder if my post-grad life will be anything like that. I think uncertainty is the only certainty in my life right now.. and for right now, I'm okay with that.

lists, tv shows, things to do, postgrad, movies

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