The King's Speech

Dec 29, 2010 07:44

Saw 'The King's Speech' last night - it was a compelling, fantastic character story. I definitely recommend it, although there is nothing about it that requires a big screen. With Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush (plus Helena Bonham Carter in a supporting role), the acting is superb. Colin Firth turns in an amazing performance.

It's mostly serious, with some comedic and dramatic elements.  It's set in between the World Wars, and treats historical figures as real people, neither slamming or mocking them nor raising them to grand standards.  On one hand there's a very personal feel to this movie, as it's about the relationship of 2 people developing over time with one of them suffering a severe handicap (severe for his position in life).  On the other hand, it is prior to WW2 and the dark, hard days ahead are lurking about.

Everyone in the theater got caught up and swept away by this movie.  And the theater was surprisingly full - probably about 1/2 full, which is saying something for a multiplex matinee.


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