Feb 22, 2004 00:36
So today has gone all to hell...actually it wasnt to bad this morning, I could tell my parents were in a bad mood, but I figured well I'll be getting out of the house soon so no biggie..I just tried to keep my distance..well finally around ehh 5pm me and Tonya went to wal-mart, movie gallery, and Jc's movin Movies. We werent gone long, which is ok, because I know Tonya needed to spend some time with her parents, so when I got back home I jumped in my car and went to McDonalds, I figured someone had to be there...so Heidi and Lynn was there and there was some kinda drama goin on. Eh, not my thing, so I kept out of it whatever, so everyone kinda went there own way I decided maybe I should just go home. Well I walked in the door and My parents were fixing Pina Coladas and I have some mix in the closet and I just walked pass, and said "you guys enjoying my mix?" and they totally took it the wrong way and started screaming at me because Somehow I had an atitiude with them and totally went off, well I decided ok im just gonna go into my room and forget it, well they kept goin on and on and on, being really really immature about it saying "oh are you enjoying our house? are you enjoy our lights?" yada yada yada, so I just was to the point where I said the hell with it and was gonna leave..well Don decides to keep going and follows me outside and goes "are you enjoying my driveway? my pavement?" this and that, so I left. I was upset sure, because I didnt do a damn thing. I decided to go back to Mcdonalds and thank god Heidi and Josh were up there, so we chilled a little at Mcdonalds. Finally Josh left and me and Heidi had to get out of Leitchfield so we just left and went to E-town. Went to Steak and Shake saw mr. "Damn cunuks" he said nothing to us and was witha different guy and 2 girls..hrmm...anyways we rode around E-town a bit, then went home. When I get home I go in my room and shit is ripped off the wall...The phone thrown in my room, and stuff out of place..which pisses me off...Im in the process of cleaning my room and Im gonna get some boxes and start boxing shit up. I need to get out of this place, becasue they're acting like they don't want me here anymore..I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but next week Im going job hunting and Im gonna go talk to the lady at Cave Mill to try and get in as soon as possible....I mean Sure Im gonna hate living there, but at least im not with my parents...I dont even know if that will even happen, but I have to find something...I'm just getting tired of this bullshit. Am I wrong for feeling like this? or for being upset? I just cant under why they were being so damn immature about everything..maybe it was because they had been drinking? I dont know...but this shit has got to change. I just feel like shit...I guess the rest of the night up until the early early morning im gonna be cleaning my room and boxing shit...Give me a call anytime guys..I sure would love the company.