Well, the inaugural two-week run of the new Green Kids show 'Ebb & Flo - The Water Cycle' has already come to a close!
I must say, the show was indeed super fun to perform in! :D
As promised, I have a few pics to share with you. Not too many... but it's better than nothing!
This is a self-taken pic of moi in my costume. haha!
The show took place in front of a giant projector screen that we would have to set up and take down for each performance.
The images on the screen acted as either silent visual commentary on the scene taking place, or provided a scenic backdrop!
Here's us - the cast - in front of the screen!
A closer pic of the three of us! That's me on the left. We're wearing blue body suits because we're supposed to represent water/droplets.
Look! It's the Green Kids bus! This bus can run on recycled vegetable oil!!! It's pretty awesome!
That's Graham! He was our tour manager and he drove the bus. :D
From inside the bus!
CBC-Radio Canada (Francais) was doing a local story on us. So that's the camera man! He took shots of us in various locations, including in the bus.
Filming cast-member Laura eating lunch in between shows while in the bus!
Here's Daina and I also in the bus! You can also see our set stuff sitting in storage in the back.
...And, that's pretty much it!
I believe the show will do a more extensive tour in the spring.
I'm hoping I'll be able to do that tour as well. It'll all depend on the timing and the exact tour dates.
All in all, this was a really fun show to be a part of! :D