Title: Inner Demons (sequel to
Starting Over) -- Epilogue: Eight Years Later
serendipity_50Pairings: H/G, R/Hr
Warnings: Het sex, mild profanity, angs
Word Count this chapter: about 1,000
Era: Post-DH Pre-Epilogue
Disclaimer: The characters belong to JK Rowling. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment only.
Story Summary
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First of all-- I want to thank you for giving H/G their happy ending :) SQUEEE since you know that I've always wanted that. Also I'm really tickled pink that they eloped eventually :) Did they have a long engagement or sort of? I can't see Ginny just getting married to Harry with all their problems. Also I liked that you had them wait a few years before having the kids.
I have to tell you something-- I had a dream the other day about ID where Depressed Ginny had a vivid dream where she ended up waking up in her childhood bedroom with the boys and Lily by her side. She couldn't believe that they were her children and she spoke to Hermione about it. Hermione told her that she and Harry work things out and things are good. In my dream, Harry was working undercover but he made sure that Ginny would be with her family. So the fact that you wrote the exact same ages for the kids here made me smile.
I also absolutely adore that the kids are dilly-dot about their daddy as is Ginny. I think that this epilogue is the perfect one (although I would love to see the elopement ;))
Thank you for fantastic stories which I now consider to be my personal canon. I wish that 2013 and beyond will be amazing for you. And I hope that you come back and let us know when you are published because I do adore your writing and I would like the opportunity to see what you do with an entire cast of original characters.
Thank you again for the wonderful ride!
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