I stand with Planned Parenthood

Feb 21, 2011 22:44

In case you haven't head this week the House voted to strip Planned Parenthood of its Title X funding in the GOP and Tea Party's latest assault on women and women's rights. Title X is part of the Public Health Services Act and is a US government program providing family planning services and priority is given to low-income people. Planned Parenthood does much more than provide abortions; Planned Parenthood provides basic family planning and health services to many, particularly to low-income individuals and in a country where the CDC reported that nearly 59 million Americans went without health care coverage for at least part of 2010 having general, reproductive and pregnancy health care services available at a low-cost is not just a good idea it's practically a necessity. Now let's not kid ourselves, the reason that GOP controlled House voted to strip all Title X funding from Planned Parenthood is because Planned Parenthood is the most publicly visible establishment that provides abortion services. It will never cease to amaze me how people seem to be so outraged over the fact that I should be allowed to access birth control, the morning after pill or even abortion services, that I should have the ability to have sex but avoid unwanted complications that they will spend time, energy and money trying to strip me of those rights. It seems pretty clear to me that for all their talk of family values that they care jack shit about women, especially low-income women. The men in charge (because let's be real, despite major gains in the last century the halls of power are still dominated by men, particularly the white and rich variety) still desire to control the bodily autonomy of women and punish them for having sex because obviously if women are having sex and not getting an STD, cancer or pregnant then something is clearly wrong because they're not getting the message that sex is wrong, sinful, dirty or somehow too sacred for anything except for the expressed purpose of procreation.

As if this whole thing isn't WTF inducing already in a month where the GOP and Tea Party have made it their mission to deny women access to contraception at least they found one group that is worthy of birth control, wild horses. It's nice to know that I've been demoted from just being less deserving than a man to being less deserving than wild horses. It's time to put a stop to this and to tell the conservatives, whatever their stripe, that we will not stand for this latest assault on women's rights so please, sign the petition and tell Congress that you stand with Planned Parenthood.

So I will leave you with these two videos of people who express my thoughts on choice and what women deserve in a much more eloquent way than I can.

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women's rights, people suck, heath care, important stuff, fuck the patriarchy, politics

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