Oct 27, 2003 14:39
I don't understand why my mother is so against me going to grad school to complete my education....god I’m thinking that I’d rather go to med school than decrease the number of miles between us to 200. She has been calling me non stop and I finally talked to her today and she yelled me out for half hour because I have decided to go to graduate school. I’m almost done and she hates it....if I go to grad school I can get a really good job doing something I like and something that I’m good at and make a lot of money. Yes I do have student loans and yes deferments would have to be filled out every 6 months....as an adult I think I’m capable of filling out a form twice a year! she wants me to instead take another major and insists on a teaching degree and stay in college for another 2 years.....first of all I don't want to take out more loans which would be required if I stay another two years and how many times must I say I DON'T WANT TO TEACH!!!!! before she gets that I don't want to teach and I’m not going to....I WILL NOT spend all of my working years doing something I hate! and I’m so sick of her complaining about the time I waste dancing. I can't even dance right now....and this is something I will have to wean myself from....I know I can't do it cold turkey. she needs to keep her nose out of other affairs....I’m an adult and I have been making my own decisions....and so far most of them were good ones....after all I’m still here, a virgin, and passing all my classes, I might even be able to graduate early. regardless of anything....anything I’m completely incompetent and incapable of "properly" deciding if its best to further my education or further my debt. I think that since she's not paying for it she should keep her nose out of it...offering opinions and suggestions is fine......screaming at me on the phone is not....this is my money, my future and my decision. As I’m not living under her roof or using any of her money I think she ought to lay off.
so I’m thinking maybe staying in the dorms over break won't be that bad.......it would really be great if something nice happened cause I just wanna cry again cause I’m so mad and beat the living daylights out of some thing....where’s my hippo!