if your lucky and you know it grin real big

Sep 14, 2003 21:26

ok this is the thrid time i'm attempting to post this....but in the previous ones i was just being grateful for how lucky i am....i have wonderful friends who are always there for me and will listen to me no matter how stupid i'm being....they are there in the good times and the bad times....and that my wonderful boyfriend isn't only the love of my life but one of my closest friends too....that i always have a shoulder to cry on and someone to laugh with and lift my spirits....and chill with...and be stupid with....and they don't get sick of me

thankful for the wonderful man that i met...that he loves me!....he loves ME....he isn't after any of my friends or tring to "score" but he really loves me and cares about my future....no matter what i've done in the past its ok and he still loves me....he thinks i'm beautiful and smart...and a wonderful woman...he calls me a lady (i def don't have a lady's mouth though)...he tells me i'm too good for dishes :)....and goes out of his way to do special things for me....he'll do anything to make me happy

i've had such wonderful friends these last three years...megs and sasha and jiggly and heidi....who have been through every step of college with me....and i've met more awesome people since then....and they are always there....

i'm lucky cause i was able to leave a bad situation and turn it to my advantage...make it the fuel that got me to alaska...i'm getting through college with no help from my family....just lots of support from my friends, especially when i feel like giving up and they give me a good kick in the pants, and i'm studing something that i really like and i'm good at....it makes me feel really good that there are people around me who think i'm smart cause of it....(they just don't know that its really easy material....its just intimitating)....i have almost finished school...i'm about half way through....that i'm not making the same mistakes my mom made....that i feel confident with myself....that i'm becoming a good dancer...that i'm becoming a better teacher....i'm starting to get hired by people who have watched me dance....

yeah so i'm just feeling lucky and grateful....my friends are so awesome and they are so good to me....and i love Ant so much and ya'll make me so happy and feel really special....i just wanna say thank you and let you know i think about ya'll even if i don't get to talk to all of you all the time know that i think about you....you too soda...just cause i didn't list everyone don't you think that i've forgoten about you and mairi and anna and matt and everyonoe else....
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