Mar 15, 2006 19:30
so dan is gone... he refused to sign a contract because it didn't respect our friendship (which he was letting dwindle anyway) and i'm sorry but if he wanted respect in a friendship, then he should have thought about why i WANTED a contract, since i had already been screwed over in the past by TWO friends that i let live in my house, and he should have respected that. plus, he's lived there for SEVEN months and paid me 1.5 months rent. sure, he had gotten all caught up before that, and sure, i had said he could pay slowly since he's "an artist" and refused to lower himself to normal people standards and get another job, but for pete's sake.. stop smoking the weed and start learning how people get by in life. its not by sitting around all day and refusing to get a job because you can't get off your high horse.
anyway, he was getting a bit annoying, and mandy was getting a bit annoying with the constant sobbing, so maybe its better that they're going. although since he's insisting that the friendship is gone, then i feel a little bad, cause despite how much i disagreed with stuff he said and despite the fact that he tended to be an ass at times, he was still a good friend when he wanted to be. i'll miss that. but i'm sorry, i don't think i was going to get my money. i mean, that was a lot of debt. and he owes other people money too, that they don't see.
and keith and john finally got jobs (i think? i think its official) which is totally awesome!!! finally.. oh my gosh.... we are so stuck with this money thing that this couldn't come at a better time. oi. it'll be nice to finally finally finally get back on our feet.
only problem, which is a selfish one from my end, is that i am pretty much never going to see my husband and one of my best friends again! they'll be going to bed earlier and getting up earlier than me every day (6am start time for pete's sakes) which means i'll get about 4 hours of time when they're both very tired to hang out... and IF we want to play the crackhead game we're going to have to fight over it... and then Saturday's are gonna be out just in general cause they'll be working a short shift... and then sundays johnny's gonna, of course, want to be over with his kids, which is completely understandable, but i'm sure that most of the time he's gonna try to spend the night over there saturday nights too... so while i still get to spend time with keith during that time (yay!!) it still means less time to hang out with the OTHER person i want to hang out with. not like i don't understand, cause i do!!, but its just a major bummer on my end... i really like being with people and the people i want to be with now i'm not going to be able to. that just blows. so i get to spend the days off with my keetoosh but i don't get to spend the days off with my friend... damn girlfriends (no offense, of course, fran, if you happen to for some strange reason, read this! :) ....) but anyway....
its better though, because the job is a MUCH MUCH MUCH needed thing, and i'm very happy about that... thank god...
anywho... thats about it, i suppose... i'm just having kinda a fucked up day... glad and sad and pissed all at the same time...which is annoying....
AND i was all excited cause tonight i can stay up super late because i don't have to be at work tomorrow until 1 (weird fire marshall thing going on) and i was all happy cause i could play WoW all night, which i still can, but the guys have to go to orientation at 9:45 tomorrow, which means super early night for them! that means i don't get to run around and do stuff with john on the game... which sucks! the one time i ACTUALLY get to do something, and i can't :(
grr.... argh.....