Aug 05, 2008 12:14
Monthly Horoscope:
For August 2008: You set the record straight in a powerful, dignified way this week. You're living proof that success IS the best revenge. You break away from a demanding, stale relationship and find out that you're so much better off. This process starts early in the month, thanks to an Eclipse on the 1st and another one on the 16th. You almost feel an invisible force tugging you along, sometimes against your will, closer and closer to your personal Xanadu. Capricorn: It's time. You deserve it because you've earned it. While you've busily sweated bullets watching others bask in an orgiastic display of ego, you learned invaluable lessons. You're smarter, tougher and more realistic than you've ever been. You're also learning to not punish yourself or sacrifice your health when others let you down. Although it seems obvious on the face of it, you're finally getting the message that 1) you don't need everyone to like or love you, and 2) you always do your level best - and if that isn't good enough, that's just too bad. And another thing, you're beginning to think that maybe respect is a pretty good alternative for popularity or likeability. So between the 1st and the 16th, a whole lot of wisdom comes together for you. All those tough, tooth-grinding lessons and sweaty panics finally lead to something good: A big beautiful blast of priceless self awareness. You won't be another's punching bag or pet gerbil ever again - there's no chance of that. You're also finished with self-destructive habits that suck the life force out of you like a hoover on steroids. You feel surprisingly confident that all is as it should be - because it is. Separating from certain toxic people was the first big scary step. Suddenly, it's not scary at all. The 17th is a superb information-gathering day. Talk to respected experts and make a plan. Think about contracts, agreements, what's fair and what's acceptable. The 19th gives you a lot of power over your own fear. You project strength that others (even those that used to bully you) suddenly recognize. You're the Great Dane and the bullies shrivel into teacup poodles. Enjoy the sensation, big dog! You get even stronger on the 21st and 22nd. Ask for what you want. In fact, ask for more than what you want or need. You're in a good position to bargain and win. Expect some small verbal sniper attacks off and on from the 23rd through the 27th. View these as little more than lame excuses from an old man who forgot to take his Viagra. The 28th puts you front and center, in charge and in demand. See what Capricorn determination can do?