Apr 12, 2008 17:12

So, I've been thinking about stuff.

I know, I know, it's a dangerous thing.

However, my newest and grandest idea as of late is this: Symposium.
That's right. I want to hold a symposium in my living room.

What does this mean? Well, it means, that shortly after the end of everyone's semester at school, I want you to all use your brains again. There is a possibility of alcohol, but I'm not really concerned about that. What I am concerned about is hearing people talk. Not gossipy crap, but intelligent material. I want to see you crazy folks discuss the important issues of today. So this should be like the presidential debates but full of less shit.

Here's the thing(s): There's no set date yet, I'm not sure if I'm actually going to hold it here (especially if there's going to be any drinking), I don't have a topic/issue I'd like to have everyone discuss, and lastly---I don't know who'd actually be interested. I think that's the real clincher: who will actually enjoy this proposed evening without treating it like a chore? I have an idea of who I'd like to have involved, and I'm just hoping these people (mainly YOU) will want to participate. Once I start getting a clearer idea of this, I'm actually going to send out real invitations.

Another point I think that needs to be made is the purpose behind this.
        First of all, I really think that the group of friends I found in high school that I still keep in touch with was planted within the Afterglow. Where else would I find a group of truly innovative, intelligent and creative people? Sure, there are connections that go back further, for example: Odyssey of the Mind. I'm really glad that you folks were able to participate in the magazine when we were in school, I'm even more glad to see that you all feel a certain loyalty to it even after you've graduated. Even beyond high school you hold these bonds to the people you've shared creative endeavors with and that is simply remarkable.
        Second, even though I've held pizza nights after I graduated, I've always wanted to bring the magazine alive outside of our high school. Last year, Anastasia and I came up with something to do exactly that, our own underground 'zine. At first we were thinking of it as a big sister to the Afterglow, so we'd keep a lock on the actual magazine in the school, keep a community growing, and help the magazine itself grow. However, this evolved into an idea much bigger than that. In fact, our finished concept was a magazine chock full of opinion and satire and sarcasm. To say the least, this made me excited.
        Third, and finally: The purpose of this symposium will be threefold.
                1- To hear (and express) opinions on events, schools of thought, theories, etc. This will be with people that might've never had the chance or reason to discuss these things before. Take something new away from this event. Whether it be a realization, an opinion you didn't know you had, or even the frustration of having to think after burning your brain out for finals. Whatever it is, it should teach you something.
                2- To participate in the creation of the magazine in a new and exciting way. Perhaps gain yourself a position as a staff member.
                3- Bring our community closer and even grow. If this actually works out, I might start having these more and leave the invitation open.

I would like to see who would like to come and what might be a good topic. Go ahead, speak up.

That is all for now, folks.
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