Dec 10, 2004 16:03
I've had a week ... where do I begin??? Tuesday, I went in for my surgical consultation and things went very well. Right now, it looks like I'll be having surgery the first week of March. I've decided not to take my coworker up on her offer to meet this Home Depo guy. The more she told me about him, the less I wanted to meet him. Now she's mad at me ... she can kiss it, I've got other things to worry about. For example ... I've spent the last two days with a horrible stomach flu. The tummy hurt on Wednesday night, but I was OK. I woke up with a tummyache on Thursday, but I was OK. I ate some chicken soup for lunch (at 12) and was no longer OK. I felt like I needed to throw up, but nothing was happening. Between dry heaves and chills, I managed to finish my shift and get home where I put my sweats on and crawled into bed. I woke up at 10:00 to watch ER and at 11:00 on the dot proceeded to throw up the soup I had eaten 11 hours earlier (coom-buy-a!!!). Needless to say, I'm taking it easy today ... no gym, no heavy foods, and NO MORE SOUP(YUCK)!! At the moment, I'm feeling much better - I might even try some Jell-o!!!