Mod Post: Hack Warning !

Mar 07, 2009 20:00

Apparently there is a bit of nasty Maltreat Virus spreading through the social networking sites, including Live Journal. It targets communities, generating a mod-ish looking post informing the membership that the community is being closed, and then deletes all the community's entries. The post includes a couple of links which, when clicked, will infect the clicker, compromising their personal info as well as their f-list.

This is an example of an infected message. If encountered, do NOT click the internal links.

Please be aware that THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT CLOSING. If you see such a post, do NOT click any of the internal links. Please DO report the post to LJ Support by clicking the red flag icon or the "flag" link, depending on your viewing option. This warning is site-wide, so please keep this in mind if you encounter strange so-called administrative messages on other communities of which you are a part.

More info here and here.


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