How to go from this
to this
Program: Photoshop CS3 Extended
Level: Moderate. Lots of color layers: Curves, Color Balance, Selective Color, Levels, and Channel Mixer. Not translatable.
Steps: 12
This icon was made for
severalplums. I was invited to post a tutorial and I had everything all typed up and then my computer died, so I lost all of it.
Since I had all the images ready to go, I figured I would post the bare bones version of a tutorial. Sorry, no explanations of why I did such and such. Take from it what you will. :]
(Unless otherwise indicted, Opacity is set to 100%.)
1. Curves Layer:
Point #1: 82, 134
Point #2: 158, 238
(input first, then output)
2. Color Balance:
Midtones: -100, +31, +100
Shadows: +19, -4, +29
Highlights: -69, +12, +14
3. Channel Mixer:
Red: +97, +11, +11, 0
Green: +3, +89, +28, 0
Blue: +28, +8, +84, 0
4. Color Balance:
Midtones: +54, +44, +61
Shadows: +52, +18, -7
Highlights: +30, +10, +29
5. Levels:
Red: 0, 0.75, 255
Green: 0, 0.95, 255
Blue: 0, 1.09, 255
6. Selective Color:
Red: -7, -15, -42, 0
Cyans: -54, -33, +46, 0
Magentas: +100, +36, -52, 0
Blacks: -22, -8, -17, -5
7. I did a second Selective Coloring layer because after I did the previous layer, I realized I didn't like how yellow it looked. I could have modified the previous layer, but ended up dong another layer instead.
Neutrals: -3, +1, -10, 0
8. Stamp Visible, then Filter -> Sharpen -> Sharpen. Set opacity to 30%.
9. Add texture (by me). Set to Soft Light.
10. Add texture (sorry, I don't know who's this is). Set to Screen, Opacity at 54%.
11. Add texture (again, sorry, I don't know who made this one). Set to Soft Light, Opacity at 50%.
12. Add text and it's done:
Since this is the down 'n dirty version and I didn't add in all the why's and how's and what-for's, I decided to offer up my .psd.
.psd Please comment if you download, thanks!!!!!