Tudoriness and Blather

Aug 16, 2004 11:29

I don't want to work on kids' garb. :( Does that make me a bad Mommy? yeah, I know, whine whine whine ;) I need to use up my fabric stash so I can buy more. Muahahahaa. I can do that by February. I am giving myself until mid September to finish this Tudor. I just have to quit working on other projects is all.

To get this accomplished I need to:
Remake the farthingale - I've decided I really can't take that fugly thing any longer. It is going to end up being made in blue linen though and probably black commercial bias tape because that is what I have.
Make the new forepart and sleeves.
Make the other false sleeve for the current set.
Attach ruffle to chemise sleeve. Probably with blackwork. I think that is it. Not too hard and most of it will probably be machine sewn. I can do this.

Ysabelot, I knew there was a reason I hadn't considered the Kent Canterbury event. We have our Baronial picnic that weekend and Matraisse Elisa is teaching her 14th century headdress and houppelande class Sunday. Been dying to take that one since half of forever it seems. Like I said I don't really have a persona. I am easily distracted by shiny cultures. :) (and big obnoxious hats, the more obscene, the better) I am really thinking about doing 14th century for my camping stuff. That way I could belong with my hubby. He likes the 14th century stuff too. BUT Feast season its ON! time for all that fabulous Tudor and 'bethan stuff! The accessories are too fab not to do. I WILL have a Venetian complete with chopines one day.

Now, on to the fat front. I am thinking about resorting to chemical means to aid in weight loss. Trimspa or Neurolean. I am tired of being so fat. I also have no motivation to do much about it. I hate excercise and I love food. Good food. Time to do something about all this. Besides that think of all the different kinds of fabric I'll be able to get since I won't need to get extra yards to hide the bulk. This is a good plan.

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