crossed eyes and brain pain (gobbeldygoop not worth reading)

Aug 04, 2004 12:40

After this post my brain wants to implode even more. I have a headache after typing this. I think it turned into a rant but I am not sure. skip it and save yourself. I think I was trying to understand something and confused myself more. I leave it up so that at some later date I may make sense of it.

After the business meeting my brain for one was ready to implode.

At first this woman argued and argued and argued about the dissemination of information and the fact that people who are members but take no interest in playing with the barony at all need to know that there is a polling coming up. That we MUST hunt each individual down and beat it into their heads that life and death hangs on this matter, or something to that effect. THEN she argued AGAINST the dissemination of information. The irony was too much for me. She managed to sound like a petulant child "well, I wasn't finished" And call into question the honor and integrity of everyone there. Only SHE had everyone's best interest at heart and only SHE cared about the barony. Everyone else was doing a shoddy careless job and she and her coterie of three were the only ones strong enough to hold out against the "evil empire" (the core group and officers) She damn near died in a court house last night. How she managed to insult everyone there is beyond me. I should have gotten up and walked out and saved my sanity but common decency kept me in the room. Next time I will be selfish. I haven't been that aggravated in YEARS! I am normally a pretty mellow person and I try to make things as easy as I can on others. I am not a leadership personality and I know this. I am much better helping people, and I feel better when I do things in that capacity, for the most part. When it comes to being the Mommmy then I can do the leadership stuff. I work good when told what to do. I am not good at figuring out what needs to be done.

I need to write a letter of intent for the herald stuff. I am kind of scared about that but no one else has stepped up and we HAVE to have someone in the position or we are in abeyance. I want to learn the job. I should hold onto the chatelaine position longer but with the now herald contending for baroness (at this point odds are HIGH that they will get chosen there is only one other person going for baroness sans baron.)

I was asked last night to also organize a demo for the Yelm area. I have no idea what the baroness wants or where. I am going to call her tonight. I don't even know where the park she was talking vaguely about is at. I can do this.

My deputy is about as prepared as I am for this job. Can we say NO training, Thank the PTB that Ysabelot got me a beta copy of the handbook or I would really be up shit creek? I honestly think it would have been better if I actually met the requirements of the job (3 years in the SCA) I think at this point I have been actively playing 15 months. I am going to announce that I would love to have a deputy with more experience as well. Maybe someone will step up instead of bitching about what a bunch of 'fuck-ups' the evil empire is. Riiiiiiiiiiiight, like that ever happens. It is always easier to complain than to change things.

I am happyin this group, (I am also trying to learn to be more outgoing and socially adept, hahaha) but I hear components of the group bitching about what I have nicknamed the "evil empire" of which I am a part of. *the dark side has cookies don't you know?* (can't remember whose icon that is but I love it) There are a lot of control freak, strong personalities in this barony and most of them can't stand each other. Or at least so I gather. They are the normal dynamics that happen in a social group, and we are all guilty of wanting things our own way. It is hard to subliminate ones own desires.

Argh! This turned into one mired post from hell. I am ending it now.

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