Okay well, it’s been a while since I updated but since I was working Mickey’s Halloween party…I felt I had to blog about this. It’s funny actually.
So I get there and I’m in a pretty good mood. I put my application for Lead (for Main Street Town Square, YES!!!. Hopefully I’ll get it) on Sunday and I’m making lots of money this week. So I learn I’m in the Dumbo area of Fantasyland but I got to work in the Fantasy Faire area.
So I’m there and my ID is hanging out because well, it’s my ID. I like hanging it out since I need it a lot of the time when I need to be on a register-it’s more convenient that way. But this chick….oh lord. Let me back track. So before this chick, let’s call her Princess (since she works in the Fantasyland area) was speaking to the other members that would be working in my specific area. I’m at the far end so she basically turns her entire back to me, blocks me off from the others as she starts having this conversation with them.
Rude, right?
But I said nothing and stayed quiet. I didn’t care. It’s then after her conversation that she decides to acknowledge my presence by introducing herself to me. I’m like okay I’ll be nice. So I tell her my name and then she notices where I live. And this other guy (let’s call him…Peter Pan-because he was thin and somewhat creepy looking) lives near me (city wise) so then she starts talking to him about their ‘shared’ home area and let’s me get two sentences in then proceeds to ignore me.
So back to the ID thing. Princess tells me my ID is hanging out and I need to put it in my pocket. To, “look like everyone else and so kids don’t stare at it.” I’m like..I’ve never had a problem with it before, but whatever fine. Princess wasn’t a Lead, nor in anyway shape or form in charge of me.
So again I’m like whatever.
So I’m there passing out candy and we rotate on who goes on breaks and what not. But I had to direct traffic and tell people there were two lines and refilled our candy area with the boxes we had down below. When it’s Princess’ turn to do that…I had to remind her to refill our candy area (you can’t pass out candy and refill it at the same time). I’m trying not to be bossy so I asked politely and she does it…it takes her a while to get the box open but she does it.
Anyway she goes off and I’m left with another girl (she’s nice, I liked her) and Peter Pan. Peter Pan decides to direct traffic and hand out the healthy snacks (we’re supposed to give one to every other guest). And I’m like okay that’s fine. I’m passing out candy and this little girl comes up to me asking for the raisins that we had. Without thinking I smiled , said ‘sure’ and quickly gave them to her.
For some odd reason this warranted Peter pan to turn to me and give me a dirty look. Like, bitch this is my job don’t do it for me.
I smiled, and shrugged then went back to passing candy.
Everything after that was fine. I didn’t have a problem with either one, however, first impressions are important. So my impressions of them aren’t very high as you can tell.
Later that night I was told my another girl (she was the Lead’s right hand woman) who was like, I’m sorry for what Princess said. Apparently Princess is new and not a lot of people get along with her. I wonder why. I mean, I can understand that she had good intentions with my ID, but the way she said it was so bossy.
Anyway I found a friend of mine and we both went to clock out and head home, but we had to return a piece of our costume back …and I ran into Princess again. My friend agreed with me of how much a bitch she was since she was like, “Be sure to take off your name tags” (we were returning our sweaters). My friend and I are like..okay, we’re used to do…we know.
I hope it’s because she’s new that she’s acting like this or if she’s…naturally like this well…good luck Princess. Let’s see if you make it passed six months.
But yeah that was my night. Seriously though what those two idiots did still makes me laugh.