Title: One Shot
Genre: Bartender!AU, Humour
Rating: PG
Pairings: Friendship!qmi
Summary: When in doubt, drink at a bar and hope the bartender is wise.
A/N: So this is my first fic ever, and honestly, I'm not such a good writer, but we all have to start somewhere, y/y? \o/ Constructive criticism, please?
"My life sucks."
This statement elicited no visible response from the foreign bartender standing in front of Kyuhyun, and with a very drunk pout, he rolled over and whined "You're a bastard, Zhoumi."
Zhoumi seemed absolutely unperturbed, and continued to bustle around behind the counter doing god-only-knew-what. Kyuhyun sighed dramatically and was just about to flounce around to complain to Sungmin, when Zhoumi slid Kyuhyun's mug away from him.
"Hey," Kyuhyun squinted slightly at the slowly retreating mug of beer and pointed his index finger accusingly at the space in between Zhoumi's eyes, "you better watch it, because I have a gang. And they're gonna beat you up and you're gonna be sorry you ever--"
An impatient wave from Zhoumi stopped him mid-rant.
"Kuixian. Look at this mug. Is it half empty or half full?"
Kyuhyun, who had initially seemed mildly interested, sat up straight and thumped his fist on the table as he roared, "ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE BEER!" Before slumping back into the wood and letting out a snore.
Zhoumi chuckled quietly to himself.