
Apr 29, 2008 18:40


These days i cant be on LJ too much coz i've got maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany exams.... hfidsuhfishdfs

I had one today... History in german... it went badbadbadbadbad, man, i didnt answer 4 (of 10) questions!!!!! I forgot everything! How the hell am i suppose to rememer the Gothic art in Italy on the XIV century in german???AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

And tomorrow i'll have not just one, two of them! Artistic in german and the most important! All-the-year-german-exam!!!!! AHHHH!!! IM STRESSED OUT!!!!

Then i'll have maths, spanish, english, science, physics, and then the Goethe Institut exam, and also i must study the english certificate and finish 3 draws to my freakin' art school...

And i dont understand them at all, i mean, what the hell is '' Der visuelle Rand (Rend? Rind? aahaaaahhh my writing is a @#$%!!) der sie teild ist dar Umfang. Die Figur sieht immer so aus als ob soe vor sem Hintergrund erkannt stehe und deshalbt näher erscheint...''
And i have 5! FIVE! pages of that thing! And i dont understand anything! And i have the freaking exam tomorrow!!!!
And i have forgotten all my german pages and the notebook on my stupid class!!!  I HATE MYSELF!

But u could say 'Sofía, that's easy, you only must pay attention on class'' Yeah, but when u have you best friend and the funniest guy of the universe beside you, that's soooo hard.
And when u have to go to super-parties every weekend is still harder.

And not need to tell the stupid clean guys on strike, (man, my freakin city stinks!!!) my annoying sister, my weird brother, the stupid internet conexion, my bastard neighbours, the broken psp, the illness of my mother, the fucking weather, the unbearable mess of my bedroom...


I really must stop writing on LJ and start to study...

vida real

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