Garden of Dean/Castiel Delights

Jul 28, 2013 20:34

Time Out

Dean refuses to wear his wrestling gear outside of actual, you know, wrestling. He says it's because Cas refuses to wear the booty track shorts while he's running cross country, and this is clearly going to come to some sort of a head.

Herein lie uncountable Dean/Castiel delights. They involve:
  • cross dressing
  • thigh holster
  • spanking
  • colour!
  • hugs
  • sex
    • doggy style
    • up against the wall
    • mutual masturbation
  • more hugs

No Sex In The Champagne Room

Castiel Novak couldn’t imagine a stripper (sorry! exotic dancer!) routine that would incorporate pink satin, a thigh holster, and combat boots but he was more than willing to give the bowlegged dancer a chance. And he’d give Anna his gratitude for dragging him out. Later. Much later.

I have a general illustration for a general D/C university AU going on permanently in my head (if you don’t already, I highly recommend it). This is one more in my loosely lamely titled “Department of Youth" series.

"I Like Old You"

No matter how uncomfortable this future/alternative Cas made him, there was no way he could begrudge him this hug, a simple creature comfort he clearly wasn’t getting through his orgies or from the embittered asshole Dean was due to turn into.

Dean would never admit to it, and lucky for his denial Cas would never think to ask, but he was getting almost as much out of watching Castiel’s rapt fascination with where Dean’s body swallowed his as he was out of the (considerable) physical stimulation.

The entire world was new enough to Castiel’s eyes that he kept paying attention to everything, eyes wide open, and nothing entranced him more than Dean, relearning this body from the outside.

Nude Canoodling

Singular Focus

Dean would have laughed at the singular focus with which Castiel was applying himself to removing all of the hunter’s clothes with no attention paid to his own. But since he was the only one with first hand knowledge of the kind of pleasure that awaited them, he was pretty out of his own head with anticipation born of actual experience.

Pressing The Flesh

If there was a way to do it, a way to get closer than they are right now, Dean would do it without hesitation or consideration beyond the impulse to yes…have more Castiel, as much as he can get in these random visits in between bursts of heavenly warfare. He didn’t know when next or for how long, so right now he needs as much Cas as he can possibly get.

Castiel is entirely complicit in this, as uncertain and driven to closeness as the human. This is a first for both of them, in intensity and specific character.


If you think there’s anything much sexier than a naked angel appearing in the room and manhandling you against the wall and licks and sucks you while you scrabble to get that naked too, feel free to take it up with Dean Winchester. Tomorrow morning. LATE morning.

Only To You

Castiel never seemed to understand that every time sex ripped a “God!" or a hiss of “Jesus" out of Dean, it was the closest Dean got to sincere about  faith, and Castiel is still the only person worthy of his prayers, fallen or not.

This was not anything holy being taken in vain-this is Dean touching a corner of holy for a too-brief moment.

Attention To Detail

Dean’s not sure you can use human diagnoses for angels. But more importantly, there was no point diagnosing Castiel, because this OCD-seeming thing of his only kicked in sometimes, usually in private, and they were both pretty thoroughly sated by its every appearance.

Fast and Furious

Dean had said “Clothes…off!" and Castiel was so focussed on chasing down the end of this crescendo that he did indeed hear “clothes" but Dean hadn’t asked him to take off their shoes, and he had other, clearly more urgent, things to get back to.

I didn’t have adequate words to describe what is going through my head when I drew this, but that’s where writerly friends step in:

There’s no time for more than this. The bar’s men’s room smells like piss and puke, laced with something pungently chemical, but Dean doesn’t care and he doesn’t think Cas does either. He’s panting, eyes trained on afterthought of space between their groins, where Dean has them gripped together just this side of too rough.

If he hadn’t licked his lips all through the interview - as if he was still tasting Dean’s come - this wouldn’t be so urgent, so so awkward. But Dean couldn’t wait, and Cas certainly hadn’t put up an argument. He’s high on sex, now that they’re having it all the time, and that’s just fine with Dean.

Yeah, that was what I meant.

It's Good To Be King

Dean doesn’t like change much. Maybe you’d think someone who hated so much about his life would like to gamble on tomorrow being better, but no. He’s seen how many different ways there are to lose that bet.

This change, though? Maybe it’s not really a change. Let’s call it a culmination of sorts. Dean’s good with that. In fact, we can call it a climax, right?

castiel, author:alwaysamyfic, supernatural, dean/castiel, dean

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