Last seen with arliss

Jun 06, 2007 22:57

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them onyour LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
pippin - oh: This is Pippin. He is looking sheepishly and hopefully at Gandalf in Return of the King. So the "oh" is muted hope. Doesn't get much use, but is one of the few LotR icons that's persisted through the...years? Has it really been that long?
boys: Boy on boy loving. Doesn't it speak for itself? Of course, in case it didn't, I added text. Just in case. Pretty.
storm: This is Ultimate Storm. She is reacting to the death of her boyfriend, Beast, by cutting her hair and embracing a more peaceful outlook. Which is so tidily 180° from 616 Storm and vulnerable in its own ragged way, that I had to commemorate it.
woobie: Man, it's really hitting icons I never use. Ones I like, but I don't woob so much these days, so pain-filled Logan Echolls doesn't get out much. Tasty, though, despite awkward handling in recent scripts. The description is vague enough that I can swap in a new woobie when desire strikes.
smile: This icon is really very tasteless. One might suspect it's not on the up and up, what with Jokes being in it, but this is from The Killing Joke where he jacks up Barbara Gordon and makes it a Kodak moment to boot. I cheat and use it for photography because I don't have much crippling and vaguely suggested rape in my life. Which is good, let me be clear.
wicked arms: Finally, one that gets some play. I love...well, I love Gina Torres, and I love this song. It's one of the few songs I've listened to and thought "How cool would it be to be her?" There's no need for me to bother now, though. Gina's got it all taken care of.
oh please: Har. I don't use this one as much as I could, really. It was the result of some painstaking screencapping of a Yahoo avatar of mine. As always, there's the compromise to get my hair right, but what I loved about this was the ability to catch a facial expression.
provocateuse: I rarely use this picture in its entirety, primarily because of the boobage and my reticence thereof. But this is all cropped and shit, and's LJ! If I can't boob here, where can I boob?
joy: This one needs more play.
cranky: I am, though, you know. Crankier than thou, I mean. And don't tell me I'm cute. I'm socially enough lubed. Another generic description in case I want to swap in new crank. Now, that's the order from my icon labelling page. Chronological order in going up, I think. Why did I do that?
gollum: Mostly I keep this around because it startled sarameg. It's my default "boo!"
doctor who: Not sure why the T2 juxtaposition, exactly, but it was what went through my mind as I watched the scene. I love Nine something awful. I'd go with him even when I didn't want to live. Just for fun.
zoe: It's the most beautiful dress in the world. Honestly, it'd need to be titled Serenity even if it weren't from the movie.
km: As obvious goes...
don't worry, three little birds: Snagged this one from paperdol. "Three Little Birds" is the title of the Bob Marley song that goes "Don't you worry/About a thing/Cause every little thing's gonna be alright." Sometimes I like the lie.
ryan-glare: Haven't used this in a coon's age. I've got three of him, from the halcyon S1 days of The OC, and this one is nostalgic, but translates its feel poorly.
yellow crayon: This one I use. Because I have friends who might try and love me down from ending the world. Or at least slow me down enough so they could play along too.
not woobie: The anti-woobie icon gets used even less than the woobster. Someday I'll live up to this, a little, and maybe even post to boot.
fix it or stand it: This would get more use if I could extract the romantic from the sentiment. But it was said about romance, and that's plenty powerful, even if I don't have any of my own.
mood indigo: I think this might be the same photo as the provocateuse one, or at least from the same shoot. I don't feel that sort of sad much, or when I do I just don't talk about it, I guess. Different sads for me.


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