It's too late to break this with little things. He wants big things.
Interestingly enough, I'm not to see him regularly--he's going to give feedback to my neurologist (it's been about a year) and my PCP instead.
Anyway. Dropped me off the Wellbutrin and the Neurontin (that's going to be weird) and put me back on Namenda. I'm one down, and I'll take that as a gain. Add 400mg daily of riboflavin and 500mg of Mg.
He's given me a new ER script, which has duly been passed onto B, who says he'll email it to himself once a month so it's always on his phone, and typing that just gave me a myriad of shivers. Life ain't right. Anyway...script: with the narcotics should go an antiinflammatory (toradol, eg), an anti-histamine (bendryl, eg), subcutaneous Imitrex, and maybe anti-nausea meds.
As for breaking it, outside of an ER, he thinks I have a couple options. One involves a couple days in hospital, so don't wanna. The other involves infusions of some type being given IV at the neurologist's--I seem to have blanked on what they are. Oh, and with a bolus of steroids to boot.
Her I can't see until the end of June unless a cancellation comes my way. Maybe by then I'll have drilled the propfol rec (thanks,
stephl) into my stupid brain.
So that's that. We shall see.