who says life is fair? Where is that written? Life isn't always fair.

Aug 31, 2006 16:14

It's not. Oh, lordie, it's not.

And no, this isn't about migraines, or anything about my physical lot in life.

It's partially about work, but certainly not exclusively.

I think I'm decently good with people. Not perfect, but decently good. When it comes to work, I think I average out decently. There are people I work fabulously with, who'll go out of their way to do things for me, and people I couldn't get the time of day from.

We're all nominally here for the same reason--getting paid. And I'd think we're all shying from some of the same things, most notably--getting in trouble in ways that might put the paycheque at risk.

I know there are a million value systems that aren't mine. I consider myself decent at translating between them. But in a company this size, I come across more than every before, and in ways that may affect my continued ability to earn a living.

Why, at 37, do I spend time boggling that the carrot isn't sufficient motivator for everyone, or even the threat of the stick? Fact is, some people need to be ratted out to get things moving--and not merely told on, but told on in their hearing.

I hate that. I hate the idea of it being done to me (avoidance of it is a non-negligible motivator of mine), and I really don't like doing it to other people.

But I really need to get over that, and accept that there are some people who won't shuffle my bit of their job to the top of their to do pile unless I pile on the carbon copies of each request.

Ugh. But enough with that getting me into trouble. Life isn't fair. They aren't going to do it just because it's their job and I asked nicely. Why does it take so long for that to get into my head?

navelgazing, work

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