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singinglark October 9 2011, 16:29:52 UTC
Damn. I did a lot of research in January after my car was killed--you may want to look at Hyundai. High reliability and safety ratings, and reasonably priced.

Good luck. Glad you're okay!


saguaro October 9 2011, 23:33:48 UTC
this is correct! Elantra is really well regarded, and Hyundais have a great warranty.

One of these days I may buy a Fit, which is a top-rated subcompact. Last I heard lori likes hers a lot.


amy37 October 10 2011, 03:15:27 UTC
I loved our Hyundai. Great, great car, nice heavy feel and great handling for a really reasonably priced car, too.


gttygrl October 10 2011, 04:19:44 UTC
Yep, I like my Elantra. And the warranty is five years, even if you're the second user.


zenkitty_714 October 10 2011, 17:14:56 UTC
Chiming in with the Hyundai appreciation!

The cost of repairs versus the value of the car may not be the most important thing. What's the cost of repairs versus the cost of a new car? If you won't be happy with anything that you're likely to get for less than the cost of repairs, then repairing the car you already have and like might be worth it. (That is, if the repairs can be made such that the car is actually *fixed* as opposed to continuing to break down due to this damage.)


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