(no subject)

Aug 18, 2011 17:57

Two jobs ago, I was the Tolkien geek. It was right in the middle of the trilogy, and I had no shame. A colleague had the day-per-page calendars, and he was under careful instructions to give me every day that was either a) hot or b) Gollum. He never did get the Lurtz thing, so I ended up with a lot of random orcs, but my cube was papered edge-to-edge in Peter Jacksonalia. One day I came into work, and there was a teeny Gollum with magnetic feet. I never did find out who it was from.

One job ago, I was the Buffy and weapons nerd. I had a co-worker who was slowly offloading his blade collection on me, and it was amazing. One day I came into work, and there was a Buffy trivia book at my desk. I never did find out who it was from.

I'm very sad to think that I will never come into work now and find random Supernatural stuff at my desk. I'm no less obsessed, but I'm a lot more private. I do have a calendar up, and a little Castiel charm, but no one pays any attention, really.

*However*, my boss just made mention in a meeting today that he attended a Star Wars anniversary screening in costume. I've never had anyone *higher* in the food chain than me come out of the fandom closet before. I am so chuffed, you have no idea.

Not that I said anything. But maybe I will, one day.

fandom, work

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