Political rant+ question for Obama supporters

Aug 27, 2008 17:19

Edit: Upon further reflection, i realized i had, in a way, answered my own question. i ask how 'you' could support someone who wants to increase taxes, yet i express my distaste over 'supporting' a party that pushes back gay rights and reproductive rights. question officially withdrawn, unless you want to comment or answer :)

I simply have a question for those supporting Obama. well and a rant. but mostly a rant.

First off, my usual disclaimer. I dont get into political arguements because i personally think every politian is an asshat who lies to get into office then doesn't change anything that he should, let alone what he promised to do.

however, i do have a question for those supporting Obama.

From what i've heard, he has plans to Double the taxes we currently pay. now, if you make 6k a month, you can be taxed a little more and still be fine. i agree with the sentiment that those who make more, should pay more...

However, i barely make over minimum wage for my state. of course, thats when i'm working. but my point remains thus... why would you support someone who wants to increase, rather than decrease taxes? i agree that everyone needs help sometimes, but this bullshit i hear on the news of people living their entire lives, free from having to work, in free housing is utter garbage. and thats where our increased taxes will go. to help people that dont want to work. we're helping those in need. fine. help them get themselves on their feet and then cut them off.

Dont get me wrong. i'm not against obama. well, i'm not against him apart from the increased taxes. and the fact that i hate that all politics has become is a pissing match between political parties. we dont have freaking leaders, i cant think of a president that has earned the title in a long time. at first i thought obama was different. i though he was a guy we could trust in, hell, i support a lot of the things he supports. i'm very liberal for being a republican. i dont believe a lot of the conservative bullshit the republican party spews. but thats how they get votes. the liberals appeal to gay rights, to helping the underprivliged, the conservatives support anti-abortion legislation and 'traditional family values' which in a nutshell normally equates to making men the sole breadwinner in the family, making women the little housewife from the fifties. hide the filth of cosmo and glamour magazines, how dare our children see CLEAVAGE?!?!?

What i am against, is the pissing match. well dont vote for obama because he doesn't have the experience. do you trust that he could be a strong president? dont vote for mccain because he'll probably die the first month in office anyway. dont vote for him, he's black. dont vote for him, he's ugly. dont vote for him because twenty years ago he supported legislation outlawing the use of fishing lures. dont vote for him because he, oh my GOD(s) might not be a strong christian leader?!?!?!?!!!??!?!?
it's utter bullshit all of it. and the only thing i care about is in the end, am i going to be shelling more out of my paycheck to support someone that doesnt want to work?

now, dont get me wrong, i'm seeking short term disability until we can get my migraines under control. SHORT term. i dont want to force people to support me any longer than i have to. but our finances are slowly spiralling downward. it sucks, but it's life. i'm not the kind to be opposed to working. i believe nothing is free. nothing. and it shouldn't be. i love to shower my friends with compliments, love and gifts. but they also have to put up with a lot of shit to be my friend ;-) John has a wife that supports and encourages his love for video games; but he also has to be the one holding me at three oclock in the morning as i'm crying in pain from my migraines. right now i'm seeking disability. two years ago i was working 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. i see both sides to most stories. i can see the draw of obama, and the downside. i can see the draw of Mccain and the downside. i'm a republican because i dont like the goverment digging any further into my wallet than they already do, but that doesn't help the guilt that i'm supporting a political party that will push back gay rights, that will encourage that pharmacist garbage of not dispensing birth control because it's against their religion. none of it's right.

everyone talks of change, but the only change we'll see will be minimal. because any time a poitician tries to make change he gets shot down. he pushes for gay rights, he'll have petitions up the ass from right wingers. he pushes for lowered taxes he'll have petitions up the ass from people on welfare who get their benefits cut. it's all bullshit. all of it. i hate politics and honestly all it does is irritate me.

i miss the days i've read about in the history books. the day we bombed Japan and our president looked devastated in the oval office. his decision weighing on his soul; rather than a smug president sending our troops to die in Iraq while our nation turns it's back on our soldiers. i miss our honored presidents. who earned their damned title. who sat on trains for hours writing speeches rather than having a speech written for them, merely a puppet reading a script. they dont even bother saying what they want to say, they just have that damned spot at the beginning "I'm bob, and i approve this message"

i fucking hate politicians. i hate the garbage. i think all of it is bullshit. all of it. i hate the two faced talk. one minute clinton is shooting obama down as not enough experience, but when he wins over her, suddenly she's supporting him. thats bullshit. dont fucking change your opinion. or do you even have one?

do any of these politicians have opinions? do they actually have some sort of Moral ethic that pushes them to be a leader? fuck, this is america, why dont we elect our president on some fucked up reality show. 'so you want to be the president' we could model it after ninja warrior and survivor. they could see what it's like to be an american, having to choose between paying rent and having food. let them flip burgers for a few months, and only have the money they earn from minimum wage. let them know what it feels like to go home every night smelling of onions and mustard. let their wives, so used to wearing expensive clothes and diamonds, see what it's like to work as a hotel maid, cleaning up condoms and shit stained walls. let them see how america lives.
let their worth be determined by what they do for this goddamned country, not by how they can turn a pretty word. they pocket millions and yet increase our taxes. how about foregoing the new, thirty thousand dollar dress for the fund raiser dinner, and instead giving that thirty thousand dollars TO the charity?

Fuck it all. I nominate Angelina Jolie for President. she'll kick the shit out of anyone who fucks with us, and she's probably done more to better this damned world than both of the presidential nominees combined.


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