Question for my heathen friends...

Jul 07, 2008 12:46

i know i've read it a million times but i cant remember the answer; and i'm not feeling up to spending time sorting through all the texts if someone knows the answer off the top of their head...

Why is it important for heathens (Specifically females) to own something with Amber in it? i know Think it has to do with Freyja. but i cant remember the exact reason, if there even is one.

John and i just bought a sword and a key-pendant for the wedding. he picked out a Gladiatior sword, and i picked out this cutie:

It will be my first piece of amber jewelry, so i'm pretty excited about it; and, tying it into the wedding makes it even more special. there were a lot of designs that were 'prettier' and i normally go for the more ornate the better, but i decided on this one because it was beautiful and simple. the type of amber is Honey amber. (it says it's certified. how funny is that?? certified Petrified tree sap?)
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