relieved, pleasantly surprised, and disappointed all at the same time.

Jul 05, 2008 16:27

So Merna, a childhood friend of mine RSVP'd to say she wouldn't be coming because she cant travel anymore. now, when i say childhood friend, i mean i was a child, even then she was elderly. granny theorizes merna is in her late 70's now.

I still remember when i first met merna. i was walking down the street with my rott/lab mix dog Bubba, when suddenly he tears off into someones yard. he goes into the gate, and i stand at the gate calling for him. this little old lady comes out, sees my dog in her yard, and greets him like they're old buddies. she goes back into the house and brings back a dog treat for him.

it wasn't long before we were good friends. i was always over at merna's house, picking raspberries off her bushes, and sitting on the swing with her eating ice cream while bubba enjoyed a dog treat.

I'm relieved that she responded. Granny said that she didnt get a response this last year when she sent christmas cards, so she was worried Merna was no longer in the land of the living. so it's nice to know that Merna's still alive.

She also sent a congrats on your marriage card, complete with a 50.00 check. thats the second 50.00 check we've received this week, which, dont get me wrong, is really cool...i'm just not good at accepting things from people so i feel really guilty about them giving me money.
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