I'm home

Jun 01, 2008 20:41

Yes, I am home!
Well, I've been home for a week, but you know, eventually I do get around to updating.

I haven't really been doing that much to be honest. I spent one day cleaning out my wardrobe, I had a load of old clothes that either didn't fit me or I didn't wear anymore, so I gave it to charity shops. I need to do some more cleaning, but that one day of cleaning generated so much stuff we are STILL getting rid of it all.

I've also been out looking for jobs. I saw a temporary post in a charity shop, but unfortunately they wanted someone with experience in managing a shop, and I don't have it. I went to see if my local florist needed any help as well, but no luck. I've gotten down to two possibilities. I am probably going to be waitressing, or working in Asda, and both are dependent of my applications being accepted. If I don't get those jobs, I'll have to go out and start looking again.

Other then that I've been mostly just hanging around the house, will be returning to Oxford soon to collect the rest of my stuff.

BTW, Dr. Who this week was 0.0 ZOMG! SHADOWS! ;_; *cowers in her room with a night light* Stephen Moffat can WRITE. Anyone notice how all the good creepy episodes have been written by him? He's written both Blink and Empty Child.
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