You Drink Decaf, Right Noah?

Sep 30, 2008 19:34

Alrighty so here we go, thanks to the Hulu...


- Um episode? Awesome.

- Summer Glau? Nails it every damn time. I mean that chick is just, woah.

- Okay so I know it says that John Connor chose her for something, I would suppose infiltrating the prison in order to help facilitate an escape. But when I was on the website looking for the preview for the upcoming week after The Mousetrap episode, I remember reading something about pairing John and Cameron. And I honestly thought, oh they'll totally never do that. Now I'm all confused, because I hope that John and Allison Young didn't have something going on, which I assume no, because he probably wouldn't have placed in a suicide mission, because talk about robbing the cradle. Though it does add something to the mythology of the show. I mean how many of them were walking around with faces of friends? That's effed up.

-Which in the same vein, is Future!John's attachment to Cameron based upon Allison, and sort of a reminder of what the war can do and how he sent a sixteen year old girl to like, hm die, or, another theory because he honestly cared for Allison and warped-like hero logic kept her around, or the very last he was attached to Cameron from his youth and kept her around after because you know time-loop. This episode makes my thoughts all long. They're never this way.

- Does anyone else think that SkyNet going global is inevitable? Not to mix shows, but as the good Doctor has said there are flexible points in history and then fixed things that always have to happen and always will happen. And the way they moved the date back yes, but then they brought John forward in time, so I'm sure it's not exactly even, and it's not happening at the same exact time in his life, but it's probably close. I would be taking that as a sign John.

- Um anyone else think it was funny to have two people from Judging Amy? Bruce and Donna, I mean Agent Ellison and the Judas-Counselor on the same show, awk.

- John Connor is probably one messed up individual in the future. I so want to meet him. One episode, they have to do a possible flash-forward. Just to show how badass and broken he is. Please?

- I sort of love the show for being like, screw school for Mr. Connor, messiah's need not arithmetic. I mean based on John in the films and John in the show, he's obviously like a mechanical engineering gene-yus. So his time is better spent pursuing his hobbies. Like gun play, hand-to-hand combat and wiring.

- In conclusion, Summer Glau is off the charts awesome, I like the new direction of the show, I like the new mythology, Future!John might be even more broken than Dean Winchester, Judging Amy = Judas Terminator and Uncle Derek was missing. And I still <3 show.

Heroes: (damn there are a lot)

- "You drink decaf, right Noah?" best line, for serious

- I never thought we'd see a more mainstream Sylar, but I kind of likes it. Though I stay on the same front as far as family trees go, I'd be pissed.

- Is it just me or does Claire look a hell of a lot older this year? (And is it true Hayden Pantierre and Milo Ventimiglia are an item? Isn't he like thirty something? I mean I know she's only a few months older than I am.)

- "Now I know you're full of it. Nobody's that heroic." Oh Peter! How much do I heart thee?

- The whole episode I was ahhh! What's Real!Peter/Weevil's new ability! And then when the reveal came, well anyone watching the webisodes? I was totally disappointed because of them.

- Ando is just, so freaking awesome.

- But then they went and broke Ando-Hiro! SHOW! NO!!!

- Have I said today that I love Real!Peter? *draws hearts*

- Oh-Em-Gee you guys, Matt was going to have a wifey and a babe-ay. Maybe this one would have kept it in her pants. Damn you Alterna!Peter

- You know when I saw the coming attractions for this week's episode they made it seem pretty Mohinder-centric. Um, where was he again? Busy metamorphisizing?

- So I was all is Allison a triplet? Did Jessica every actually exist? And then they go and pull the genetic experiment card. I hope it's a little less genetically engineered and a little more, well there were three of you so I put one in a rich family and one in a poor family and one in a middle class family and one with a c rack whore and one...You see my point. Like a really messed up social experiment. Because the genetically engineered thing on this show would be boring and misplaced. And honestly, though she's smoking hot, if you were going to genetically engineer someone, you'd make a Peter. All the power possibilities and all.

- So Nikki really is dead? Oh, Show! *pouts*

- How cute is Micah-mentor? Be honest. You loved it. And you can tell Tracey is so going to be is his aunt.

- Speaking of Tracey, Tracy, whatever, and Nathan, while his ex-wife, wife, whatever, tehe, was ohmyfreakingod gorgeous, I think that relationship will still interest me very much so.

- Have I told you guys that even though he totally screwed up like, well err-e-thang, and broke time and all I adore Alterna!Peter. *draws more hearts*

- I thought for a hot second we might get a showdown between Peters and I almost died. Right there. Yeah, it was close.

- So I'm guessing that the way he stopped time and brought Real!Peter out of Weevil (I'm sorry are you assuming he has another name, because you'd be mistaken) that perhaps it's manipulation of dimensional space, like forcing them to occupy the same point in space and time although they exist on different planes or frequencies. Um, yeah. *cough*

- Reverse psychology FTW Noah Bennet!

- Weevil *iz ded* sad face.

- Anyone else totally see right through Claire? I mean you need to work on your lying skills if you're going to be on the run sweetheart.

- I don't want it to be true, but Parkman's wife look's like Hiro's nemesis. Please to be saying no, show?

I haven't seen to coming attraction yet, so we'll see how next week looks. I guess the Peters are going into the furtue. Oh my, I might not be able to handle having two of them.

And my friend and I were having this conversation, when we were also totally doing our Pre-Calc work *nods*, about her psychology classes and this guy she likes and I maybe sort of said that he wasn't my type though I suppose I could see why she liked him. And then it branched to this:

Friend: So then what is you idea of the perfect guy, oh omniscient one.
Me: Your English professor needs to stop encouraging your reading of the dictionary.
Friend: Everyone look, this is what we call avoidance.
Me: Put your Psych professor on the list too.
Friend: It speaks to the state of your psyche, and as your therapist in training I need to know.
Me: Dean Winchester, Gilbert Blythe and uh, Peter Bishop, with a bit of Ryan Atwood for good measure. And stir.
Friend: No baking then.
Me: Obviously heat is not the problem in this equation.
Friend: No, you saying the perfect man is a smart-ass, emotionally distant, prone to fisticuffs, possible con-man who may spend his weekends shooting things, lying to the government or debating you on various topics while studying for his doctorate or forging it. That is the problem.
Me: Sounds perfectly healthy to me. And did I mention freaking awesome?
Friend: We'll have to address this when I get to Psych 445.
Me: You might want to wait until after graduate school, it'll be a far more realistic undertaking.

Now seriously, raise you hand if you think I've got the right of it? Can you imagine, seriously, he'd be perfect. Don't lie.

And since I sort of had this conversation with colourmeshocked, there a(re) picture(s) in this post. I made this for my sister-in-law's baby shower. It was a hell of a lot better when I put in the hair clip on one ear. But I didn't have a camera then. So, yeah. I may not be able to boil water babe, but I can do this, lol.

ETA: Because I can't format.

tv: heroes, things: time, state: sarcasm, state: speculation, character: alterna!peter, physics: time/space continuum, people: crazies, state: conversations, state: direction, state: psychology, *draws hearts*, tv: t:scc, things: cake, physics: inevitability

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