1) Burn Notice, only half way through the first hour and I've proclaimed that Bruce Campbell is the man three times and that Jeffrey Donovan portrayed the best face of the week. I love this show!
2) I started physical therapy today and it was actually not so bad. My doctor also cleared me to go back to school. And I got a lovely haircut that I adore.
3) The CW has bowed to the superior wills of The Fandom Agents. Go
here for a promo full of love (slight spoilers for the premiere and such).
Lastly, a meme
Comment to this post saying something - anything - about me. I'll then put what you've said in my profile. This means that you can say I eat babies, and it will still go up to describe me to the world. Then post this in your journal, so we can do the same thing for you! I will leave it in my profile for at least a month.
stolen from
crackedbuthappy And I kid you not whatever you post, perhaps you believe I breed jackalopes in my basement to be my personal body guards, I will put it in. The more ridiculous the better. Post as many times as you want. I think I need more user info anyway.