Title: Put On (Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boys)
seren_canisRating: G
Word Count: 1479
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Summary: He sees him everyday, like clockwork. Remus is an apprentice at a bookbinders and private-school boy Sirius passes him everyday, until the day they actually talk. Non-Magic AU.
Author's Notes Dedicated to
mypretty_art as a companion for her
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this is gorgeously written and the language just flows beautifully. I love reading fanfic when it doesn't sound like fanfic. Does that make sense? In other words, I love it when it actually sounds like a novel or short story. Like this: The boy is always sweaty and beaming. His carefully positioned tie is loose and low, and a button or two of his iron soft shirt are always undone. Only one button of his block-blue blazer is done up, and it is not uncommon for his sleeves to have a stain or two. He walks with his hands nonchalantly in his pockets, passing off a casual elegance that Remus never could, and that makes it difficult for Remus to look away.
You captured the whole scene so well and I know that I would have appreciated it even without he beautiful visual that inspired it. The boys are so shy and so perfect and I truly feel for Remus here. His set-up was especially nice. I liked the way his family worked and the way he sees his job.
PS I actually wrote this last night and forgot to hit "Post Comment." Meh.
So glad you thought it did the gorgeous artwork justice and that you like Remus' characterisation. I could really picture him feeling desperately grateful to Mr Benedict, you know? I'm sooooo happy you'd like to read more, I cant make any promises, but I'll see what I can do! :)
Thanks again for the wonderful comment, so glad you enjoyed!
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