(no subject)

Feb 02, 2003 15:47

I realllllly need to go to sleep but am waiting for my aunt to phone. Apparently my cousins tried on their bridesmaids dresses yesterday and I think they fitted and all. Yay.
So bloody tired. Yesterday was good. Have photos but Photoshop has gone weird so can't put them online yet. I did well and didn't pass out til 2.30am. That was only because I'd had a drink too many and felt ill, rather than that I was tired or anything (just like Stu's hangover today is because he had a dodgy piece of cheesecake and nothing AT ALL to do with the alcohol :P)
Was lovely to see people again. The food went down well. I remember there being quite a lot left (mostly mini jammie dodgers) which probably had to be thrown out but we only spent £45 on heaps and heaps of stuff so I don't mind - it could have been a lot worse. John had a huge lion cake that was yummy.
I guess the next party will be our housewarming? :) Its going to be weird moving. While I don't like living here all that much I will miss the people. A lot, actually. Meh.
I have that niggling feeling trhat I may have done something embarrassing or offensive because I am far too honest when I'm drunk. I just hope nobody was sober enough to remember ;) I always get like this the morning after the night before. God it's not morning any more though is it, how scary. Weekends always fly by and weeks go soooo slowly, and I'm always more dead on Mondays than the Friday before!
Stu just made us both a huge fry-up, he is lovely. Diet starts again tomorrow, have had 3 days off but have enjoyed them very much indeed.
I don't like it when a good party comes to and end and real life resumes :( can't wait to sell mousses all day tomorrow, honest. i have never liked mondays ;)
I am leaving this post friends-only because otherwise Frances won't be able to see it. I need to find out what to do to fix that actually.
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