Woke up, found it was snowing. Took Phoebe to vet's - her cat box got snowed on (and in) and she was unimpressed. Got on bus, after waiting 20 minutes while none turned up, which made me 8 minutes late for me 9.10am appointment. So they made me wait til 9.50, until all of the other animals had been seen to, for being late. How unfair?
She was fine anyway, and the vet said she was sweet. Was talking to a woman in the waiting room who was very nice and also has an unsociable female cat and a younger boy cat named Dylan. She even sounded Welsh. Perhaps she is me in 30 years time?!
I have to go to work in a bit! I'm worried about how I will get there, or more importantly how I will get home - it's no huge loss if there is no way to get into Croydon but it would be horrible not to be able to get home :( I'm sure it will be OK. Am not walking through thick icy snow in work shoes, though. Am wearing trainers and changing when I get there. Will be bad enough having to wear trousers that have been snowed on!
Think I am getting a cold.
Am boring, so here is my survey.
-what is your opinion of the death penalty?: I don't like it. I don't think anyone deserves to die for something they did and I don't think the law has a right to choose who should die for their crimes. Surely it is a worse punishment to imprison people for life than to kill them straight off, anyway? I just can't help thinking of all the people on death row who didn't even commit the crime they were found guilty of. And if there is any risk at all of that happening, it should be made illegal :(
-what is your opinion on abortion? Pro-choice. It's up to them, who are we to say 'yes you must put your body through a massive change and have a baby that you don't even want?' Are there not enough unwanted, unloved and abused kids out there? So yeah, pro choice, but I would never have an abortion, I don't think.
-how do you feel about the legalization of drugs?: All drugs? Or just some drugs? It's a bit of a vague question. Obviously cannabis should be legalised. If alcohol and tobacco which are major killers can be readily bought then cannabis should be also, even if they only sell it for medical use to begin with. Other than that, I don't know. I can see why they don't want to legalise drugs because that would be giving in to something which does kill lots of people or have lasting permenant damage (hmm, alcohol again). But surely if they sold ecstasy pills that were made properly, people wouldn't die from taking a super-strength drug or from the nasty stuff they cut them with? I don't know.. start with cannabis at least.
-how do you feel about censorship? When is it okay and when isn’t it?: It's ok to censor TV before 9pm. And it's ok to make sure kids don't get hold of anything that could affect them in a bad way. However it, as with most other things, has gone way too far - aren't they even talking about banning Harry Potter? Has anyone ever met a kid who was traumatised by Harry Potter? So it's ok within reason..
-what is your opinion on pre-marital sex?: I think it's wrong :p or maybe not. it's up to you, isn't it? I would say it's better to do it before you get married though. I mean look at Charlotte in Sex and the City - they tried to hold off, and it turned out he couldn't get it up for her anyway. However if you have a strong belief that you want to wait, who am I to judge?
-Do you identify more strongly as a pacifist or as an “eye for an eye” person?:Pacifist.
-Do you feel that Bush is a good president? Not really no.
-Do you feel Tony Blair is a good prime minister?: He's OK, but he's not as good as he should be. On the other hand I don't pay a lot of attention, I just know that everyone is complaining and striking, and nobody is getting enough money, and we're paying a huge amount of tax that seems to give no visibily good results (although every Sainsburys I know has been done up recently - maybe they should give some money to the NHS or schools instead?) I don't much like the idea of going to war, either, but I don't know that he has any choice :(
-If you’re American, did you vote in the last presidential election? Who did you vote for?: Not American.
-Do you think that Martha Stewart should go to prison for her involvement in insider trading?: I don't even know who she is let alone what she did :)
-What is your opinion of Howard Stern? How often do you listen to his radio show, if at all?: I haven't heard of him and have never listened to him. Is he American?
-Are you democrat/labour/liberal OR republican/tory/conservative?: I am none of the above. I want to start my own political party or something :p I did vote labour, though.
-Are you a feminist?: Sort of. I think women should get equal rights but am perfectly happy not to be sent to war, or forced to get rid of spiders of carry heavy things or open jam jars. I also want to stay at home and have babies rather than having a top job, but it's good that I have the option, right?
-How do you feel about Homosexuality? Are you homophobic, gung-ho queer rights or somewhere in between?: Hell no. I just wish society would let them get married and adopt and all the rest of it. I mean why the hell not? That's like discriminating against someone for not liking beetroot, or something.
-Do you believe homosexuals should be able to get legally married and receive the same benefits as heterosexual married couples receive?: Erm, yeah, see above.
-How do you feel about gays in the military? As boy scout leaders? As teachers? As church leaders?: All of the above. Why not? maybe not church leaders though, because it says in the Bible that gay = bad, doesn't it? So it might cause more hassle with the congregation than it's worth. But then I would imagine a gay man would not want to follow a religion where he is made to feel bad.
-Would you say you are more racist or more open-minded about other peoples’ races and cultures?: I have to admit, I am slightly racist. I think/hope that everyone is. I don't do it consciously. I just get annoyed with people and if they happen to be foreign, I mutter about it. I don't do anything about it though. I don't avoid sitting next to them or talking to them or befriending them. If a white person pissed me off and they just happened to be say, a punk, I would mutter about punks for a bit. I don't know :( I am glad we live in a multi cultural society though, I just wish I'd been brought up in one, then perhaps I wouldn't find it so weird to live in a mostly black area.
-Do you look down on forigners? the ones downstairs I do. They are gits.
(cut the rest - got to go to work :s)