May 18, 2007 23:44

Well guys...we did it. And as much as I didn't want to I'm very happy. I mean yes I cried. A LOT. But they weren't just tears of sorrow. I was also so happy. Even now I'm crying just thinking about how much I love all of you and how much I'm going to miss you all. But we'll always be friends. No matter how far apart we may be. And I'll keep in contact. I PROMISE. And you better do the same!

I've never realized how much I really loved every moment spent at that school with all those people.  Even the bad. I wouldn't trade the experiences we had for the world.

I'm not really sure what I'm feeling right now. I'm so sad but happy at the same time. I don't know. I hope you all are going to miss it as much as me. And always remember the fun times. Like the first days of school...and all the school spirit! Jr/Sr Retreat...and all those bugs! And of course Graduation...and all the friends and family.

I love you all. I really do.

PS...I got a killer laptop from my parents! <3
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