Shhh... I'm in love with The Mole

Jun 06, 2008 20:09

I'm very-much anti-reality TV. Very much. I used to watch American Idol, but can't stand it now. I've never seen an entire episode of Dancing with the Stars or The Bachelor, and I stopped watching Survivor after the 2nd season, and shows like Moment of Truth just seem like over-produced, over-dramatic bore-fests. However, I have a soft-spot for The Mole.

When the first season came out all those years ago, I didn't watch, but my best friend did, and I remember how much she loved it. But, since the two of have such polar interests in TV most of the time, I never considered it. However, I did catch on to the 2nd season, and I began to fall for the dynamic between the contestants, the wry host, and the shear fun of being able to catch clues and and develop theories about who I thought the Mole was for each episode, as it was always changing. I actually got it right for the second series, thanks to a clue and a striking-dark shirt of a friend of one of the contestants who turned out to be the Mole. I still remember a couple of the challenges from the 2nd season, like the "Tiny Bubbles..." challenge (that would have driven me even more insane!) and the wine pouring challenge when even Anderson Cooper had a go and couldn't pour the wine without dripping.

I never watched the later seasons as they lacked the greatness that is Anderson Cooper, and I have little interest for D-list celebrities. I did manage to catch the first season on youtube, and let me just say: Brilliant! I was so entirely wrong at the end, and I was so happy I was wrong too!

So now that the new season is out, I'll catch it for the lovely and gooey summer fluff it is, and maybe, it'll surprise me. I hope so.

Tiny bubbles, in the wine, make me feel happy, make me feel fine...


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