Sara and the inexplicably shrinking waist

Aug 29, 2010 10:06

It's been a number of days [I won't count them, because counting leads to bad things] since I started ye ol' calorie counting diet. To be a bit more precise and less archaic, I started on July 7th, officially. Officially in that I began to log everything I eat on a website that handily keeps track of this sort of thing. I'd like to say it's been hard, but really, it hasn't. I'm not saying it's easy, but I have that type of personality that can withhold things from myself, things I enjoy, to just make my life pleasantly torturous. I know it's not the most pleasant attitudes to adopt, but it's really helped that I feel I'm performing some sort of self-sacrifice, and that I can judge those whom I see thoughtlessly wolfing down a plate of nachos or fast food. I told you it wasn't pleasant, and sometimes intrinsic motivation isn't.

My initial drive to finally - and I mean finally in that I hated my body size, yet wouldn't do a thing about it - to lose some weight came from a purely vain and seemingly trivial thing. I wanted a dress, or more specifically, I wanted to be able to fit in a dress, this dress. I've always been pear shaped, yet I've not hated being so. I always liked that I had a moderately sized bust, larger hips, and a small waist in comparison. I could consider myself "curvy" or "feminine". However, it would be nice to keep those curves, but just be able to fit into my jeans a little better.

So, how big was I?
On July 7th, I used my trusty measuring tape my mother gave me, and noted the following measurements:
Bust: 42
Waist: 35
Hips: 49

I know. Please don't pull out a tape measuring and compare those measurements to yourself. It will only make you feel smug and me feel a small niggling feeling at the back of my neck.

But how about now?
Bust: 41
Waist: 32
Hips: 46.5

Surprisingly, it was the waist that started to change first. It was a little frustrating in the beginning, as it was my hips I wanted to hack away at, but it's nice to see my stomach flattening out, and finally, now, the hips are starting to shrink as well. Ideally, I'd love to go down to a 40-42 hip. Why? Because Christina Hendricks is sex on legs. Yeah, I know, vanity again, so give me your best glare, the back of my neck is ready for it.

Christina's character, Joan Holloway on the superb 'Mad Men', is a bit of a girl crush. First off, I'm a sucker for red heads. No idea why, really. Never got taken out back by an older red-headed peer and told to touch myself, an incident that would have imprinted on my sexuality ever since. Nope, that didn't happen. I don't even think I knew many red heads, and certainly no 'sexy' ones.

Besides Christina's lovely hair, she's got curves, and a lot of them. There's some debate out there in the great Internet about what her measurements are, but recently, AMC had a charity auction that included some of the character's wardrobe, of which, one piece was a dress worn by Christina. The measurements: 39-30-39 And then, a goal is formed.

I won't ever be exactly like that, for my hips will always be larger in proportion to my bust, but I can damn well try.

So, here I go, doing my best to not eat things. It's working alright. My caloric intake can range from 800 to just under 1250, while usually staying around the 1000 mark. And it's nice that I can pull out skirts and pants I had long ago given up to be a part of a "what if" wardrobe and try them on to see, yes, I can do up the zipper! Now it's just a matter of another few inches to make this stuff work, baby.

Wish me luck.
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