
Nov 17, 2008 20:21

Bigot: a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

I was reading a news article on a Christain news site a week or so ago. I was researching for a Creative Writing piece about how the end is going to come (whimper or bang?). I scanned through the comment section, a persistent habit. One word jumped out at me: bigot. People were throwing the word around like a ball in a game of bball. Because it seemed the insult of choice, I looked it up on

To me, religion is a curious and frustrating entity. Science, technology, progress, and modernity have positive connotations in western society today. We have to keep going forward, reaching outwards, beyond past human achievement to make our race as best as it can be. Go, go, go is whispered in our ears as it seeps into our mind. My mind is happy with going. Despite such distopic ideas of aritificial intelligence making us superfluous, mankind enginering itself past the point of recognition, and the world, oh the world falling into flames or ice or both, there is an excitement I cannot supress about what's new and what's possible now that was never possible before. Where does religion fall into this place of world?

I look at religion, and I see tradition, faith, morality, and hope, but I also see hate, pride, blindness, ignorance, and regression. Throughout the centuries, religion, particularly Christianity has been fighting science's steadfast progression, because of the threat of religion being rationalized out of exsistance. And that too, if science is rationale and logic, what is religion? With the creation of a word, there pops into existence, its opposite.

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to let my bias show. I don't understand, I just don't understand. There is physical, tactile proof that the world has been in existence longer than 2,000 years. Dinosaurs, perhaps? "God's testing us, they say." What about the Earth not being the centre of the universe, and the possibility of life being out there elsewhere? If we were made in the image of God, then what are these hypothetical creatures in various states of evolution? Oh, there's that word: evolution. Why must we be created perfect? What about wisdom teeth? Children are being born without wisdom teeth because our race cooks our food now, thankfully, so we don't need as powerful teeth to munch through a Big Mac.

Even if there were some all-mighty entity floating about out there, do we really think we have the right to do things in their name? I can't understand an individual who would forbid some the right to happiness because they love a member of their own sex. How dare this individual and us meddle in the lives that do not concern us. Years from now, as we look back on this period of history, I'm certain that we'll view the way the gay and lesbian community as the same way black people were restricted rights 50 odd years ago.

There's on thing that makes me happy though, that makes me laugh at all those people who are still stuck on anti-abortion, no sex before marriage, no gay marriage, is that they are just that, they're stuck. They're not living their lives today, their living in some alternate universe where the Bible says twisted words of hate. And these people are dying out. Not today, not ten years from now, I doubt even a hundred years from now, but change is inevitable, and they'll be left behind in the dirt and rock. Change may be postponed, like the Proposition 8 that was just passed in California, but it is inevitable, inevitable as te evolution of the English language, sad as I am to see it go.

Oh, a bigot, a person who is incapable of seeing someone else's viewpoint, particulary with regards to religion. What's the point of religion again? To believe that your faith and only your faith is the right and true one, and all the other ones are of the sinful. Yeah, I think I love that definition.

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