
Oct 14, 2007 20:19

You look tired
Would it help to hear me say
Don’t you worry
Friday’s not that far away?

On the weekends
We try to get our share
Of excitement and of fresh air
Trying to forget
Who we’re gonna be
When the alarm rings
On Monday morning

Woke up and slacked around. I was really exhausted from the previous day. Played rock-paper-scissors with Mom to decide who would go to the market to da pao food for lunch. Got a phone from Dad, a real surprise. Tuition, mass then dinner with Dad.

I survived. I was alright. I don't know, felt really nervous a few minutes before the dinner. It was okay. Talked about the list of things I thought of previous, start talking about Kor first, then sis etc etc schoolwork. Yeah I know, pretty loser. Got to think of content. Same way I draft my emails to him. Settled the air ticket, the possibility of getting a internship, overseas schooling and tuition fees.

It feels weird seeing him after 3 months

I was pretty euphoric after dinner, LIEK CAPS ABUSE. I was talking in CAPS to sak and cyn. It was hilarious :D

Met Jia Jun at the bus stop, took the bus to Bukit Batok to meet Darryl. Went to Church of St Mary's of the Angels. It is a very beautiful church, I'm getting into the habit of going to church both Saturdays and Sundays. It's nice. Going to Church of the Sacred Heart with Cyn next Sunday and probably meet the rooftop people afterwards. Tuition was cancelled. Decided not go TP MOS, thought that it'll be awkward to be there. Ah well. Went to Keppel Club, slacked by the poolside in front of the sea<333 It was really nice. Almost decadent. Took a nice walk out, stared at the glorious blue sky. Was rather sweaty afterwards though, it was hot. The sun shined brightly. The weather is kooky, it rained all day yesterday. Just in luck, the non-airconditioned double deckered 93 came. That has got to be my favourite bus. Reminds me of when I was sec 1, I'd always rush out of the class to catch the non-airconditioned double deckered bus 153 from Toa Payoh to go home which comes at 2.05. Then slowly, it became a rarity.

Went to visit my grandparents for dinner. The usual, always fun and entertaining.
Going to meet Francoise and Mai for breakfast tomorrow. Since afternoon plans have been cancelled I've decided to bake! XD So exciting<3333! Ahaha, being retarded I know. But I haven't baked in the longest time.

Ahaha, let's finally go to the archade next Sunday! I'm dying to play DDR and whatever else :D Watched Gundam 00, they are pretty. The character designs, is much better than SEED or DESTINY. Let us ship the greatness that Kouga Yun is.
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