(no subject)

Oct 01, 2007 19:00

2 papers left!

I'm deeeead.

2 hours bio in the morning then 1hr 35 min of econs.

Tired. I hate the waiting in between morning and afternoon papers. Sat in the library with Xu Lu, Aysha and Darryl. Ended up playing chinese chess with Darryl. Got pwned.

I haven't played in the longest time.

Met JJ after the econs paper, went to Provence for my milk pan fix. Talked in to Kie before is started work. LOL, she's scary yo.
I'm under the impression that JJ was rather lost about what happened yesterday, lost and amused simultaneously. Then he, being a blur sotong in the weirdest ways almost rival to Sak, didn't have enough money to take a bus home so I went down to give him. I just realise by posting this I've just given anyone who reads this blackmail material to suan him. Oops, my bad.


Anyway I'm just sleepy...

Going Melbourne Details
Departs Nov 22 9.55am
Return Dec 2 9.35pm

So anyone wants/needs me to pass them things to tsu (or whoever else)

I'm looking through gouk, I <3 that coat! Right, being random.
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