I write this "sketch", because I was inspired by an actress. She played a complicated character when she was just a girl. I tried to imagine, what a big influence this role can take on a person. So this is my fantasy on this theme.
When I was child I was acting in a school Theatre. My dream was to be an actress. I believed that one day I will be a great actress. I wanted to play the main character in some brilliant romantic novel. A charming girl meets her charming prince. But my teacher gave me the role of betrayer. I should play a girl that becomes a traitor. I thought it is a punishment. I wanted to play the main character, this is my dream. But my school Drama teacher told me, that he chose me for a very serious and big work as an actress. I thought to be an actress it means to be a part of a beautiful life. To be a part of an amazing feelings, that I want to feel in my real life. But the teacher, he was god of this place and this god wanted me to be the most disgusting creature. This is unfair! I decided, that if I will do it, because, maybe the next time I will play the character of my dreams. My naive ambitions were so big. Ambitions, they are always naive, because they are reflection of a big misunderstanding about life.
The first thing that teacher told me to do, playing this character, forget about such a thinking way as a bad or good. Then he asked me.
- If you want to eat the cake, but this is not your cake. Would you eat it?
- no.
- If you are hungry?
- no.
He thought for a moment and then said :
- Your homework - you don't eat during one, better two days and then we repeat this conversation. And my homework, he said, I will bring some cake.
My mother was against such a study. My Dad liked the idea.
After two months I barely understood what is the bad thing and what is the good. For example, when I didn't do my homework in a school, there were no arguments why is that bad. My mother was shocked and father told me that with this Theatre school I growing up too fast.