Jul 11, 2012 20:42
So my phone is turned off, I don't really know what why and when.Long story short I am still stuck on a family plan with my ex until November. It is really irritating, I get no notice, no message to let me know what is going on. I sent him a FB message since his phone is also turned off I can't call him. I have no idea why it is so far past due! They need $200 to turn it back on and I really don't have that sitting around at the moment. My savings is set aside for registration, emissions, and a few other things my car needs before the end of the month. I can live a few days in the dark socially, I have xbox live and the internet. What I can't be without is a reliable way for my employees to contact me if needed. I have the house phone, and set up voice mail, but it according to Pookie trying to call for 20 minutes it doesn't always ring. So, if I don't hear the phone ring, meaning I am in the kitchen, I don't know they have called until I check the voice mail messages. It also makes me come across as flaky when MY phone is turned off. I can't wait until November to be on my own plan and done with this drama. It isn't fair that he lets this happen, I don't expect him to give two shits about me, but at least some courtesy while we are still stuck in this contract. Or at least offer to cancel the line and take the hit so I can move on to my own plan with my current phone number. I would even be willing to split the early cancellation fee! I have no idea when and if he will get current on the phone bill. I offered to help out with $75 if he needed the money. That is all I can afford at the moment. I intended to pay the pat due amount just to have my phone turned back on but when they said it was past due $200 I couldn't scrape that up in a moments notice without being in a rough place.