Title: a golden bell starts ringing
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Pairing: AKame
Disclaimer: They're not mine. Story is mine, though.
A/N: beta-ed by
unichan, love you for that ♥
Summary: Akanishi Jin is no longer part of the entertainment world. He left because he couldn't stand it anymore. And there was another incident, concerning a certain Kamenashi Kazuya.
a golden bell starts ringing, chapter 1
It's been five years that I left the company and the entertainment industry altogether. Since five years nobody knows where I live and what I do. The rumors are I live in the US, others say it is Europe but none of them are right. Actually, my most favorite spot and the point I always returned to is one of the small islands that still belong to Okinawa. This is where I am now, sitting in my veranda, waiting for the person I made an appointment with.
I still work with the entertainment industry as composer and songwriter. Couldn't help it since there was nothing that could earn me more money or that I was more capable of.
But still, since five years no photo shoots, no interviews. It took a time to get used to. I took care not even paparazzi photos appeared. My reason for leaving the company was because I was fed up. Fed up with the things which had happened due to this company. The things which had happened to the one I love. The things which had changed the one I still love.
Now that I sit seemingly retired in my chair on the white painted veranda I am 31 years old and sick. As in, terminally ill. About six months ago the doctors found black spots on my lungs. They said it was lung cancer.
I always thought smoking wasn’t good for my voice and health but I didn’t expect to get seriously ill because of it at my age. Isn't cancer something only old people die of? That's the thought a youth has when he starts smoking. Or at least I used to think so.
I don't really know. Now that I am cursed with this diagnosis and could probably die I have decided to return to the entertainment industry. I want to tell them about my life. My real life, my real self. No secrets. Everything that had happened since I had joined that company about 15 years ago. I want to tell them all. Them, meaning my friends, family, fans and him. Especially him.
When I was about 20 years old I met a woman, a journalist, whom I am still in contact with. I want to tell her. My story, my liaisons, the things I loathe, my deepest secrets. That's why I contacted her and asked for a meeting. And here I am now, waiting.
It isn't unexpected that she comes to me on exactly this day in summer. At least it is not as hot as the day before, but a kind of comfortable heat.
“Nice to meet you again” I said. I show her where to sit down and ask her whether she wants something to drink. She declines.
“It’s been a long time since we last talked, huh?” She looks very curious as to the reason of the meeting. I didn't tell her, only that it's urgent.
I nodded as an answer. She was right. Since the day I had left the company I barely had any contact to somebody not on this island. Close friends included.
“So why the sudden call?” she asked.
“I hope you have much space on your voice recorder”, I smiled.
“Yes of course! What are we going to talk about?” The curiosity in her eyes told me she came down here, looking for the story of her life. Or better, the story of my life. That's what I'm about to give her.
“We will talk about me. The real me. Everything that happened since I had joined that company. I’m ill and will probably die. I want them to know everything.”
Her eyes widened. “You’ll die?”
“Cancer”, I said dryly.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for you.”
“No need to. Let’s just write that story, okay?”
“Yes. Let’s tell them about your real self.”
So we begin. I start with the very first thing that comes to my mind when I think of my life at 14. When you are so young it's all different. Different things matter and even the smallest things make you happy.
“I met him and everything changed…
Back in November 1998, an employee of that company we all know divided the ones who had passed the audition into small groups. Everyone started talking, you know how it is with little boys. I was the one standing out, because I arrived later to one of those groups.
“Oi, why are you late?” someone asked me.
“I’m Nakamaru Yuichi by the way, so why are you late?” he introduced himself.
“Actually I hadn’t passed the audition but an old man told me to stay when I wanted to return my name badge.”
“Wow sugoi, so it was really lucky for you to get in here, huh? What’s your name anyways?”, the guy named Nakamaru asked me.
“Akanishi Jin. And who are you?” I looked at the little boy next to Nakamaru.
He looked surprised when I talked to him.
“Me? I’m Kamenashi Kazuya”, he introduced himself and bowed.
“Nice to meet you Kame-chan and you too Nakamaru-kun. Yoroshiku ne.”
He smiled when I called him Kame-chan although he hadn't known me five minutes ago.
We became close friends in a relatively short time. There was a time when we didn't talk to each other for 6 months in the first year cause of a stupid fight, though. I rack my brain almost every day now that I have so much time on my hands, but I cannot even remember what that fight was about.” I tell her up until that point. She only smiles at me. Her silence is a sign for me to continue.
“In 2000 I won a trip to Okinawa. That was kinda the beginning of everything…”
I return to my story, because I remember it as clearly as if it had been yesterday. “It was a sunny day, although not as warm as today probably. I loved that beach. It was so beautiful. Almost as beautiful as he was. We sat on the beach together, both in our trunks. He turned to me and said, “I’m so happy you won this vacation, Jin.” There was a smile forming on his face.
“Of course I won”, I laughed. “Since I hate to loose.”
“Yes, I know”, he grinned back.
After a long glance that I couldn't really interpret he said, “Let’s go into the sea.”
I just nodded. We played in the sea. The water was warm from the sun. He smiled at me the whole time. He was so happy because of that small trip to Okinawa with me. At least that's what he told me later on. When it started becoming dark outside we went into our little tent.
“This tent is really small, isn’t it?”, he said.
“Where’s the problem? Then we just cuddle a bit”, I joked.
That made him blush. I was surprised when I saw him blush.
“Yes”, he smiled embarrassedly.
But when we wanted to sleep he curled up into the utmost part of the tent. As far away from me as possible, I realized. To be honest, I was a bit hurt.
“Ne Kazu-chan, why are you so far away?” I asked him.
“Because you said so”, he replied.
“Haven’t I said something about cuddling?” I asked.
“That was a joke”, he said dryly.
“Come on Kazu-chan, you don’t have to sleep that far away.” I smiled.
Then he turned around. My eyes widened. Did he cry? Just because of that joke?
“Did you cry?”, I asked him directly.
“Why should I.” He looked a bit embarrassed.
“Because of my joke? That I don’t want to cuddle with you?”
He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Then he nodded. I couldn’t help but smile. But there was a part in me which wanted something else. I leaned in and kissed him. It didn’t even last two seconds when I realized that he looked shocked at me. Just when I opened my mouth to stutter apologies he started smiling brightly as he had that entire day. And I couldn’t help but kiss him again. We both smiled while kissing.
Sounds like a beginning of a sweet love story, huh?” I asked her laughing.
She nodded in return and there was a smile on her face.
“Well, back then it was like that. But then KAT-TUN was found and he began to change. He didn’t really change for my eyes at first but then he did something I would have never thought the Kazuya I learned to love being capable of.”
So, that's the first chapter :) What do you think of it?
Comments? ♥
I've already started chapter 2, so it might be finished this week.