Aug 19, 2004 03:02
With leaving to college so soon, I just have been thinking and reliving memories in my head of this summer. I want to have room for the memories of this summer, plus the memories I'll forge in college. That's what this journal is for, I figure, and it will be a good tool. I never want to forget my cherished memories for anything, and as time passes, you might forget, but I'm going to keep the ones in my head alive and vivid. My favorite memories of this summer was driving around, making new friends, learning to play guitar better, spending time with my family and friends, going to bed real late and waking up just as late, relaxing, traveling, and meeting new and old friends. Summer was just a great time to unwind and there were so many things to do and a lot of time to relax as well.
The person who made my summer is Kira, and I'm really happy about that, having gotten to meet her and get to know her and have fun conversations all the time and being there for her. When you meet someone special, common things earn new meaning. Like before I met her, Yellowcard was just another band, I hadn't listened to the Postal Service in 2 years, I had never listened to Bright Eyes, I feel better about being my height, I love being a nerd now, and a lot of other cool neat things. A part about my summer that stays in my head is how about on my trip this summer, I kept in touch with Kira and I was really looking forward to hanging out with her and continuing our conversations that are so fun and cool. I like that a lot, its fun.
I like when your favorite things remind you of special people. I absolutely love the Cure, and whenever I listen to them, or even think about them as right now really, I associate them with Kira 'cos she likes them a lot too. The Smiths remind me a ton of my trip this summer too. And I'll always remember going to that Cure concert on August 15 of this year, it was great seeing the Cure play live right there in front of you and getting lost in their music and lyrics. It was like I left planet Earth that day of the Curiosa festival, 'cos I couldn't think of anything except the Cure's music and my twin. Those were the only things I could think about, and it made me happy.
I played around with the idea of one day becoming a lawyer but I thought what if the people I love get sick? I could help them myself if I were a doctor! :D That would make me so happy and I would feel so accomplished. I've wanted to be a doctor since I was so very young. That sounds like the plan for me!
I love you, twinny, and you're always going to have a special place in my heart that's exclusive and the best, forever and ever. As for all of my cherished friends, we'll always keep in touch too and I want to thank you all for all of your comfort and company that we've had and will share together in the future. Its time for me to go to bed so I can actually be up around noon, heeh.