Jul 15, 2004 22:50
Tonight we had two of me papapa's engineer friends over who work with him and it turned out fun. Juan Carlos is one of them and he told me a tale of how like a number of years back my dad worked for him and was the only older engineer out of a lot of 25 year olds and stuff Juan Carlos hired at the time. And the younger engineers were all crazy and arrogant and would be like "get out of here old man" and all that. So my dad talked to Juan Carlos about that and then Juan Carlos would go in and be like "Who's the son of a bitch that's been giving Alfredo shit? If I hear one thing from one more son of a bitch, I'll fucking fire your ass." And then all of the younger engineers would scatter and hide, it was great. It was so freakin funny, man..
And then my dad was telling the tale of when I was born and stuff and it was reminiscent of Big Fish when Edward Bloom was born, heeh. The doctor caught me but with a good deal of effort, heeh. My dad acted out the catching part and Juan Carlos was like "They should've given him a catcher's mitt" and I cracked up. It was around like 10 at night or something and me mum told my dad to go to the hospital (this was in '86 in Corpus Christi) and my dad's like "sighh we'll go early in the morning." but me mum was like "No, let's go right now." So they went to Riverside Hospital (I've never known the name of the hospital I was born at til this very day) and the hospital was closing in some parts and then like they ran into a nurse and told them about the baby they were going to have and the nurse was flipping out and then they got the keys and went about everything and I was born and here I am now, tada.
The story about how Juan Carlos had to get his appendix taken out was great too, it was so funny. He had a sharp pain in his side and put up with it for 2 days before going. He was at work and told a guy to go with him and he's like "to where?" and Juan Carlos was just like "We're going >0" and they had him wait a lot at the hospital and then they took x-rays and all that and one of the younger doctors in training or whatever looked at his x-rays and was like "What's the matter? There's nothing there." And that was because his appendix had already burst..and then an older doctor came and they sorted things out and then removed his burst appendix and cleaned up and everything and he got better. But before that, he was waiting a long time on a gurney bed thing and he kept yelling "HEY!" a ton because no anesthetician had come yet and then someone showed up and was liek "hey what's the matter?" and Juan Carlos was like "I'm waiting for some jerk to come with the anesthetic" and the guy there was like "I'm that jerk" and he turned out to be the doctor, keke.
And then earlier my dad and Kevin mentioned how I'm graduating a year early, and it'll be money we save, and Kevin was like "Make sure your dad pays you that in cash." -cackle- That would be so awesome, 'cos its like $17,000. I would put it all in the bank, well like 90% of it in the bank and let it gather interest and use the other 10% for spending and then transfer funds accordingly. Me and my mad business skills :3 Then I'd play the stock market with one of my business major friends, muahaha.
I feel like I'm ready to take on the world, but I know that it will take so much preparation and hard work. I'm going to spend a lot of time studying and working hard to carve out an awesome place for myself in society. I want to study abroad in Spain and England; I'll try real hard to make that happen. Cheers.