Jun 03, 2009 00:36
So I have been banned from the REK Center on my university campus.
Okay, so maybe that's a little bit misleading. My privilege of using the facility has been suspended at this point in time because I am not signed up for any Summer I or II classes. The fact of the matter is that I WAS signed up for a class as far back as three months ago. Unfortunately, I was unaware of the ridiculous hike in tuition prices and, therefore, unable to attend. No way in hell I was going to be able to scrape together 750 bucks in thirty days.
The whole situation just tosses a wrench into the gears of my academic plans. If you know me well, then you'll know that mathematics has never been a strong point of mine. I've never been able to figure out why. I recall being pretty sharp with it when I was in 8th grade, and during my senior year of high school I was taking pre-cal and faring pretty well in that venture. Sometime between then and now I just sort of lost the charm, I guess. What baffles me even more is that the concept of advanced mathematics is something that really intrigues me. Seriously, if I could comprehend numbers on a prodigious level, I'd be looking for a career in something related to astro-physics.
The gist of it all is that I've been a little tactful in dodging College Algebra, and since I'm a Biology major, I NEED to take this class so that it can open up all of the awesome specific field oriented Bio classes that I've been dying to take. Looking back on it, this past semester of college was particularly brutal for me. Late last year I found myself overwhelmed with a powerful trifecta of swelling confidence, renewed focus, and an extra motivational push by a good friend of mine. I was flying in my heart, and I suppose that my exuberance caused me to overload my Spring semester. Started to get pretty rough toward the end, conflicting schedules and the workload reduced me to having to selectively skip certain classes in order to have more time to work on assignments and projects for other classes. If anything, I'm proud of myself for not cracking under the pressure. I got a little stressed from time to time, but I just chalked it up to part of having to "pay my dues" in the world of academia.
Long story short, I brought home a 2.7 cumulative GPA, thus disqualifying me from getting into a Biology internship that would have had me doing hands-on lab work for a research team....bummer.
I really don't know why I made this post other than perhaps...trying to express a desire to be viewed a little bit differently. I don't mean a sort of shallow narcissism or anything (I already covered that ground a few entries back), but rather just an acknowledgment that I'm making a serious effort into trying to make something of my life. To succeed in an area in which many others are destined to fail. I'm not referring to my music...my art. I love my musical pursuit, and I believe that it's one of the things that I was truly meant to do with my life. But I really do want to get my Masters in Biology...Bioinformatics. I really do wish that I could summon up every last ounce of willpower and devote myself solely to trying to score A averages in every class, much like a couple of avowed perfectionists that I know. I don't consider myself a genius, but I'm far from being daft and simple.
I know that there are quite a few people around who are convinced that I'm wasting time, or simply screwing around with my time until I run out of financial aid money. I wish these people could have seen me fighting the urge to sleep as I strived to chip away at the various assignments that I had dumped on top of me. I wish they could have seen the completely straight face that I kept upon waking up at 6 AM every morning in order to shuffle myself off to a days worth of classes, cramming more info into my skull, having to continue to carefully budget my time, finances, energy.
Ah well, at least now I'm afforded with a little bit of extra time for sleep....precious sleep.