-Artwork created by Remy Cuvellier of Headsplit Design. Top notch detail as opposed to just a plain logo the size of a bumper sticker (not that there's anything wrong with that)!
-Printed on high quality Fruit of the Loom t-shirts, so these things are durable as hell and will last quite awhile!
-The money from these shirts is going right back into funding to design and print more in the near future, so it's not like I'm hoarding all of the cash and spending it on liquor and condoms!
-I'll throw in a free 5 song demo with every order...because my desire to please you all outweighs my desire to have money!
$12.00 with S&H included. That's right, I'm essentially waiving S&H cost. Why? Because I fucking can, that's why!
I've got 4 Mediums, 4 Large, and 1 XL left. Small sized shirts sold out quick...when did metal d00dz stop being obese?