So, here I am again. Stupidly enough I've already managed to miss posting one of my dreams cos i didn't write anything down in time. So yes, I have dreams RATHER FREQUENTLY. The one I missed was rather boring anyway i think, something about making a cake for my grandparents. BUT I learned from my mistake and had a notepad+pen ready by the bed this time because I'm a loser with no life AWESOME.
WARNING:following dream contains excessive use of the words "wandering" "really" and "so"
So this time it was me and a couple of friends (including
Troll) and my brother (hmm, you've been around a lot recently what the hell =/) went to this weird underground place which was apparently hosting a con, and had some kind of train station attached and was also a secret base for... something. anyway we were wandering back and forth signing in and my brother got separated and started off on this big long hike overground to the next town over (which was coincidentally town the hunter rp i'm in was initially set in) which is where we were all eventually going to end up somehow.
So we were wandering around the underground place and ended up in this secret hideout for some generically sinister organisation/company/cult/whatever and for some reason I was really important there. I'm not really sure why but I just remember it really struck me. Anyway, we ran around and blew a few things up and generally ~*foiled plans*~ and then continued on our way underground till we surfaced at the train station in the next town and met up with my brother again.
We wandered around the town for a bit and then ended up in some giant house to stay the night. Somewhere around this point the dream changed so the people I was with weren't my friends but random strangers. So we were in this house and then one of us spotted someone who wasn't part of our group and called out to them to come join us. I started getting a really bad feeling about them then, and as they came closer you could see it wasn't really a person it was just like... the silhouette of a person? And the closer they got the more I felt certain that it was going to hurt us or something. It moved slowly and it didn't really do anything but come closer but it just felt wrong somehow. I managed to convince the others we needed to get away but then we couldn't get out of the house. So we barricaded ourselves in this one room but we knew that wouldn't be enough. And then (this is where it gets a bit random >.>) I suddenly knew that the song Panis Angelicus would kind of repel them? (others had appeared at this point) So I was singing that and the others were doing... other stuff to keep them away (I was too busy trying to remember all the words to notice much of what they were doing) but just me wasn't enough. They broke through and one of them started choking me to get me to stop but thankfully one of the others I was with managed to get me away and we got past them and jumped through a window to get out. (I realise this all sounds rather silly but I was quite freaked at the time >.>)
So we're running along the street, at first thinking we'd be safe from them in daylight but apparently not when they start coming after us. And then we end up in this big concert hall type place with loads of other people, including Neil Patrick Harris, who was apparently psychic. And also what must have been a choir now that I think about it. Anyway everyone knew they were coming so a big group of people including me all started singing Panis Angelicus (I woke up with it in my head, I was SO unimpressed >=/) and then NPH used his magical mind powers to defeat them.
Aaaand then I woke up, rolled over and promptly went back to sleep again to have ANOTHER DREAM. Because I'm that awesome.
This time, I was on a coach trip round Africa. With a group of people vaguely similar to when I actually went to Tanzania a year and a half ago. The coach driver was a bit crazy and we got thrown around a lot with her taking all the corners too fast and doing random u-turns and stuff. Then we arrived at the airport, which was also kind of a cinema, and kind of a shopping centre. And one of the girls on the coach whom I've never really liked, and who's never really liked me, turns around and starts asking me all about my film preferences. We go in and we're allowed to wander round and shop for a bit and suddenly it's vitally important that I go buy lots and lots of red and gold jewelery, and not give in to the temptation of buying pretty candles. Yes I realise how bizarre that sounds. And then as I'm paying for the jewelery, one of the girls on the trip comes over to the guy leading the trip who was stood nearby (and also happened to be Patrick Stewart) and tells him that she's lost her ID and oh no does this mean we wont be able to get home? His reply was "no, don't worry, there are alternatives" and he takes a print of her shoe which is apparently some kind of reliable proof of ID according to my brain =/.
And then we all went home and lived happily ever after. Or something
Actually I'm pretty sure I've missed something out somewhere, there was supposed to be an octopus involved at some point but I really cant remember where, or what it was doing, so I guess it'll just have to stay forgotten.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this insight into my bizarre and twisted psyche