Queen of Hearts

Dec 06, 2012 19:38

...also consider this the place to put thoughts and spec on the other episodes between Tallahasse and Queen of Hearts: Child of the Moon, and Into the Deep. This is all stuff I wrote a few days ago; currently my brain is all about Stargate, but if I don't post it now I never will! So.

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once upon a time

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seshathawk December 9 2012, 21:41:10 UTC
Thoughts on Cora: hmmmmm. That’s possible, and I’m still hoping they’ll tell us exactly what went down with Cora and Rumple originally, but I always want more character stuff!

Okay, yes, you are right about Rumple. He is definitely reparation-driven but not necessarily redemption-driven. I have been operating under the assumption that given the way things went down with Bae, once he found Bae again, he would be willing to give up anything/everything in order to be reunited. However, that is an assumption on my part and, I’m pretty sure, not something he has ever stated or even implied. It’s true what you say-he does work very selfishly and there are no limits to what he will or won’t do to accomplish his goals. I hate to use the word “cowardice” even though that is obviously a word that Rumple is very sensitive to. (I think I have a severe dislike of the word, derived from the Harry Potter series and its obsession with bravery and loyalty-there are different levels of bravery! Cowardice is one of those words that I feel is in the eye of the beholder and nowhere else. Just because you are not doing something that someone construes as brave does not mean you’re a coward. It just means you’re not doing that thing.)

Rumple often confuses me because sometimes he’s all over the place with what he’s doing, but you’re right. Although he tries to behave more appropriately in front of Belle, that has not stopped him from less admirable acts when she’s not watching. Again, I guess I’ve based my theories off of how things with Bae went down, but maybe even once he finds Bae it’ll be like Arrested Development with Michael and Heather Graham, quoted from memory:

Michael: You were right, I’ve decided to do the right thing.
Heather Graham: You’re going to tell George Michael about us?
Michael: Oh. That’s what you think is right. I thought it was just to burst in here and tell you I’m sorry. Okay, I’ll get on that.

Re: my analogy: okay, that’s fair too. I guess I’m saying that I place the blame more in Regina’s hands than in Rumple’s. Although he set up the plots and curse and all, she was the one who executed it. Whatever.

Re: Neal: First of all, NO I DO NOT WANT A CLUE. I don’t even know what you’re talking about but I don’t want any clues!

Secondly, yeah, I mean a lot can happen in ten years and it isn’t unreasonable to assume that Neal cleaned up a little and maybe even kept in contact with August (assuming that he isn’t Bae). All I meant was that from the ten-second introduction we had to Neal in the season opener, I made up a character that was appealing to me, and he ended up not being that character, which was disappointing to me. That’s all!

It’s true that they are not mutually exclusive, and out of all the existing characters on the show, he is obviously most likely to be Bae. I’m just saying I was tentatively assuming that until his first talk with August and now I am much less sure. That doesn’t mean he isn’t (again, I was positive that August was not Pinocchio), but it seems unlikely to me. Also, it could be interesting if Bae was just a completely new guy we’ve never met before-he’s so mysterious! As we’ve seen, there is a good chance even Rumple won’t recognize him on sight! I almost feel like it is a waste of an existing character for one of them to be Bae. But we also already have a lot of characters, so I don’t know.

I suppose a lot of who Neal is hinges on whatever was in that box.

Also we have not talked about Red at all, but she is pretty much all awesome all the time, so.


seraya7 December 10 2012, 01:42:51 UTC
Quick reply:

In retrospect, cowardice was not quite the right word to use for Rumple, although it was thematically correct. It's more about fear, which is not as mutually exclusive with bravery as cowardice is. Pre-Dark One Rumple had a lot of fear, especially when pushed out of his comfort zone, but he still managed to do things like confront a pirate about stealing his wife and burn down the duke's castle. I think what I was getting at is that Rumple still has all the fear, he just believes he can get rid of it with power.

Sorry I brought up the clue again! It probably wasn't even a deliberate clue, I don't know. It's just a stupid little detail in a s2 promo picture that makes sense to me and got me back on the Neal-is-Bae train, that's all.

Yes, there is nothing to discuss about Red. She is awesome, end of story. It does make me sad that her love interests keep dying--not that she needs one, but she does seem to want one. The woman has had a rough life and came out ridiculously strong; I want some good things for her. More good things, I guess--friendship with Belle is very much a good thing!


seraya7 December 10 2012, 01:45:49 UTC
Also: I obviously have it fixed in my head that Neal is Bae, but I would like to see a normal character with no connection to another world show up sometime. And I would like it if Emma has had a few past friends and relationships and stuff with similarly normal people; she can't have only fairy tale characters in her life.


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