High Infidelity (Season 6, Episode 2)
Okay, I'm not going to make any more promises about posting these reviews quickly. I've been so busy lately. So... these reviews will definitely be up the Saturday after the new episode airs at the latest. But I've got screencaps this time!
Let's start with the episode title, shall we? High Infidelity reminds me of the season one episode title Hi, Society. Is it just me?
How many times are we going to rehash the Bass family problems? Seriously, Chuck's daddy issues, mommy issues, fake daddy issues, fake mommy issues, sometimes uncle issues, and... whatever family member might pop up issues. And Bart faked his own death. Chuck sold Blair for a hotel. This family has serious problems. Oh and let's not forget how Chuck's own mother didn't want him (I'm not even sure which story is true anymore), then came back, then disappeared again. Just drop the Bass storylines and actually give us something worth watching, why don't you?
Serena and Steven are sickening. And not in a oh that couple is so cute they're so in love awwww.... sickening way. But in the fact that Serena seems so fake. That's not the Serena we know. It's Serena pretending to be the girl she wants people to see her as. We all know she'll never be able to keep up the act.
Oh how I miss season one. Blair and Serena were so happy, so good with each other. And now it's just cat fights 24/7.
I love Blair's outfit! It's so cute. Especially the skirt. And that office is so Blair. It's gorgeous too.
I simply cannot understand why Blair took over for Eleanor. Of course Blair has always loved fashion, but she made it clear in season four that she doesn't want to be her mother. She admires her mother and believes that Eleanor is a strong, powerful woman, but Blair is not her mother. She and Eleanor came to an agreement that Blair is, like Dan said, a dictator of taste. And Blair isn't a designer. That was the whole point of her internship at W (that she fought tooth and nail for) rather than taking the easy way out and interning at Waldorf Designs. So why is taking over at Waldorf Designs suddenly her dream? Blair doesn't know how to design! Clearly evident from this episode. So what is she going to do with a career as a designer?
Nelly Yuki! Yes! And she looks awesome!
And... she's the Women's Wear Daily reporter? Yikes. But... how? I don't care if she went to Yale, her being a reporter sounds utterly ridiculous. She should be in her... what? Junior year of college? I don't care what Nelly did or how good she is, there's no way she's a reporter. Is anyone still in college?
So... she graduated early. But two years. Really. Do tell. How much more implausible can this show get?
Thank god Nelly Yuki isn't taking any of Blair's crap. Honestly, I love Blair, but she hasn't grown up from high school.
Look at Nate trying to break out of his string of girls rut. Looks like someone's trying to grow up. Unlike Serena. Or Blair. None of them have moved on from high school. What was the point of the last six years?
You know what? Rufus, stay the hell away from this world.
"First of all, that was Serena, this is me."
Wow. I love how even Serena's friends have no faith in her. And the writers are still trying to convince us that Serena's a good girl?
"Nelly got into Yale by being clean, but no one does dirty better than Blair Waldorf."
When is Blair going to learn that her methods don't work? When is she going to grow up?
"Why is the handsome vacant one calling me?"
Oh god. I'm so glad I wasn't drinking water. Oh Georgina.
"Serena's back? I didn't know. I mean... of course I knew."
Wow. Season one, episode one much? Like... almost word for word.
"Hurry. The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back. In the grander sense."
Oh my god. STOP. Doesn't anything matter to you except Chuck, Blair?
"How can the smartest boy at St. Judes still want everything he can't have?"
Indeed, Nelly.
"I didn't mean Blair. I mean, in."
"They'll never let us in. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can stop trying and start competing."
"We have the truth. That's how the losers win."
"We stop playing by their rules and make our own."
Aww.... I miss Nelly. And these lines? They're exactly what everyone who wants "in" should hear. What it all boils down to is accepting yourself for who you are. These might be some of the most insightful lines these writers have ever written.
Just look at the difference in Nelly, Blair, and Georgina's dresses. Georgina looks very upper east side, with the low cut dress, expensive fabric, and trendy style. Blair looks all deceptively sweet and innocent, headband is back apparently, like it's right out of high school. Nelly is the only one who looks like she's grown up. Her dress is elegant, beautiful, and modest. She's the only one who looks like an adult rather than a high schooler. The difference is striking.
"That slut happens to be my seventeen year old daughter."
Sage is seventeen? Wow. Are we gonna go further into statutory rape issues?
"I broke up with you because I thought you were sleeping with your father. ...Before I knew he was your father."
Oh god this sentence is so many levels of wrong.
"I've never been ready to introduce her to anyone. Until you."
Serena, are you really going to believe him? You do realize that he never did introduce you to Sage. You met her when he punched Nate in the face for kissing her. This wouldn't be the first time she's been played.
"One of the things I learned after being run out of Manhattan by a gang of overprotective teenagers..."
Oh my god. What am I watching? This basically sums up the show. I don't think I fully realized how ridiculous some of these plots were until this very moment.
Still buying Lily's love with jewelry, I see. But if Lily's love can be bought with a necklace, then they deserve each other.
Whoa, whoa. Deja vu. And... is Sage Gossip Girl? I was wondering about this in episode one too. I'm so confused. I'm hoping Kristen Bell will show up as Gossip Girl. I love her narration.
~XOXO, Seravia